10 De-stressing Methods Put to the Test

By , Marlisse Cepeda, Woman's Day
From relationship troubles to overwhelming workloads, lots of things can stress you out. Thankfully, there are a slew of strategies that promise to help you feel better fast. But do all of them really work? We challenged real women to try out 10 of the most recommended stress busters

Peel an Orange and Eat It

Why It’s Supposed to Work: Peeling releases a satisfying scent and triggers you to anticipate the refreshment of the fruit, says Coral Arvon, PhD, Director of Behavioral Health and Wellness at the Pritikin Longevity Center in Aventura, FL. Once you eat it, your blood vessels relax and blood pressure lowers, adds Nieca Goldberg, MD, Medical Director of the Joan H. Tisch NYU Langone Center for Women’s Health in New York City. 

Real Result: Shaunte Wadley, 40, of Lehi, UT found this stress buster “surprisingly relaxing” when she focused on nothing but the fruit. Edilma Romero, 60, of Yonkers, NY, also found the experience favorable, but she wasn’t as shocked: She eats an orange every day. 
Stretch Your Arms to the Sky

Why It's Supposed to Work: If your job requires you to sit all day, standing up, stretching your arms and spreading your fingers toward the ceiling can fill your body with mood-boosting endorphins, making you feel happy and free, says Dr. Arvon. To get the most out of this de-stressor, Jane Ehrman, a behavioral health specialist at the Cleveland Clinic Wellness Institute, suggests taking a full breath as you reach up and slowly exhaling as you bring your arms down.

Real Result: Success! Wadley rarely takes breaks from her desk job, so her hands get knotted up from typing. "I never think about them carrying stress, but spreading my fingers felt good." Both Wadley and Romero found repeating the technique and concentrating while they did it

Click here for more tips on how to relieve stress and stayed relaxed.

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