10 Requests to Add to Your Dining Repertoire

By , SparkPeople Blogger
No matter what restaurant you choose, you can find something healthy to eat, as long as you know a few magic phrases, says Jenna Bergen, author of "Your Big Fat Boyfriend: How to Stay Thin When Dating a Diet Disaster."

Here's how Jenna sticks to her healthy eating strategy even when her boyfriends wants wings or pizza:

Speaking up can make a huge difference in slimming down. Go ahead and be picky when placing your order.

Ten Requests to Add to Your Regular Dining Repertoire
1. Dressing on the side
2. Grilled instead of fried
3. Steamed, not sautéed
4. Hold the bacon, butter, or sour cream (or ask for them on the side)
5. Easy on the sauce
6. Dry toast, jelly on the side
7. Egg whites
8. A baked potato instead of fries--or, better yet, a side salad with low-fat or nonfat dressing
9. Light on the mayo, or fat-free mustard instead
10. Don't butter the hamburger bun

Jenna, a Spinning instructor and yoga fanatic from Philadelphia, had always been a healthy eater. Then one day she tried on her favorite jeans and realized they no longer fit. She had gained 13 pounds over the course of her relationship.

From sharing his nachos during the game, to munching popcorn together at the movies, ssnacking on peanuts at the ballpark, ordering takeout on weekends and skipping morning workouts to cuddle--those calories and missed workouts take a toll.

Jenna knew she wasn't alone and wrote "Your Big Fat Boyfriend: How to Stay Thin When Dating a Diet Disaster" (Quirk Books, January 2009, $14.95).

For more tips, or to buy the book, visit bigfatboyfriend.com.

Those seem like easy ways to shave off some calories. Do you make any specific requests at restaurants?