24 Ways to Say ‘I Love You’

By , SparkPeople Blogger
Valentine’s Day is just two days away! Although television and radio commercials might try to convince you otherwise, there are plenty of ways to celebrate your love for your partner besides the typical fancy dinner date or box of chocolate. And--let's face it—the traditional ways of celebrating the annual day of love can be expensive, high in calories and often overdone (dinner and a movie again?). Here are some alternative ways to celebrate your love with your significant other on Valentine’s Day, or any other day throughout the year!

  1. Get a new photo taken of the two of you together. It may have been a while since you last had a photo taken with just the two of you. Whether you have a professional photographer or a friend take your photo, it’s always great to have more pictures to document your time together.
  2. Recreate your first date or another memorable date. This can be fun and romantic, especially for couples that have been together for a long time! It's a great way to reflect on how much has changed (and how much has stayed the same!) since you first got together.

  3. Create a memory jar for next year. This Valentine's Day, start writing down fun and meaningful things that happen for you both throughout the year. Next year, you can read through them all and relive the good times together.
  4. Go to a live music show. Whether it is a local band or a well-known headliner, getting out and about to listen to music can be a lot of fun. And if it’s crowded, it just gives you an excuse to get closer to your sweetie!
  1. Start a bucket list together. If you haven’t already started a bucket list (a list of big goals you'd like to accomplish in your life), then now’s the time to do it! Once you have a list put together, choose one or two things to do (or start working toward) within the next few months.
  2. Go to a comedy club. Laughter is good for the soul. Find a comedian you both enjoy to entertain you on that special night (or any time)!
  3. Go geocaching. This is a great way to log some exercise time with your significant other—plus, it's like a fun treasure hunt! You can even leave behind a cache with a thoughtful note to brighten someone else's day.
  1. Go dancing. Salsa, ballroom, line dancing, etc. can be a great way to spend time together while having fun and breaking a sweat!
  2. Share romantic and/or meaningful playlists. Who doesn’t love music? Take some time to create a playlist that you think your partner will enjoy. If they’re not into romantic music, create one that means something to them or the two of you.
  3. Have a game night. This can be something as simple as board games, dice games or an active video game. You can also spice it up by placing a romantic wager.
  4. Go on a double date with friends. Getting out with friends for a double date can be fun and exciting no matter where you go or what you do. Plus, it's a great way to celebrate the love you have for your friends!
  5. Get a massage or have a spa day together. Getting a massage can help you relax your fatigued muscles from all that working out you’ve been doing--and what a great way to spend the day with your sweetie!
  6. Play mini-golf. This can be a fun (and competitive) date. If it’s a little chilly out, you can always take time to snuggle between each hole.
  7. Have a picnic. Put out a spread of your favorite foods on a blanket indoors, or head out to a park if the weather is nice. If you picnic inside, you can light candles to make it a little more romantic.
  8. Go on a scavenger hunt together using places that are meaningful to both of you. This can be fun, challenging and a great way to reminisce about your past together.
  9. Buy each other a book (or e-book). Whenever your significant other reads that book, they will think of you and how you thoughtfully chose it for them!
  10. Take a fitness class together. Exercising together can be fun and motivating. Perhaps your sweetie will find that they enjoy the class and will want to take it with you again sometime in the future!
  11. Take a healthy cooking class together. This is a gift that keeps on giving. You'll both have fun while learning some new cooking tips you can use again and again later on.
  1. Make handmade Valentine’s Day cards. These don’t have to be extravagant, but it can be fun making your own sappy or silly card for your loved one.
  2. Make a meaningful gift. If cards aren't your style, make your significant other something else that comes from the heart. Try a homemade coupon book, or a photo collage. If you're feeling really creative, you could write 10 things you love about your partner on slips of paper, and hide them in places you know he or she will find them throughout the day. Anything genuine and thoughtful is sure to be a big hit!
  3. Take part in each other's pastimes. Perhaps you don’t think you'd enjoy some of the activities that your partner does, or vice versa. But have you ever actually tried those activities? Participating in each other's favorite pastimes is a great bonding experience, and who knows--you might even find an unexpected new hobby you can do together!
  4. Take a hike. Enjoy a day in nature with your partner as you both get some exercise at the same time.  Pack a picnic for the road!
  5. Play. Sometimes, it's great to simply have fun and act like kids again! You can build a fort in your living room and camp out there, go to the park and swing on the swing set, or go down the slide, play tag, etc.
  6. Write love letters to each other. Writing a letter is almost a forgotten art these days, which makes it all the more special when you do it. Plus, it can sometimes be easier to express your true feelings in writing. Let each other know how much you care by writing love letters and then reading them together over a romantic dinner.

What are some of your favorite fun Valentine's Day traditions?

See more: valentine's day