4 Healthy Habits That Prevent Cancer

By , Woman's Day Staff
Staying well for your family is a top priority. And a few simple lifestyle changes can go a long way in preventing cancer. From what to eat to which vitamins you need more of, these simple tips can keep you disease-free.

Check your vitamin D levels

Some preliminary research suggests that having optimal levels of this vitamin—a hormone your body generates when exposed to the sun—may lower breast cancer risk. Your doctor can give you a quick blood test to figure out if your levels are low and whether you need to take a supplement. (Vitamin D is hard to get through your diet because there are few foods that contain high amounts of it.) 

Cut back on meat

Vegetarians have a lower risk of cancer overall, and a recent study from Loma Linda University in California found that cutting out animal products may lower your risk even more—particularly for breast, ovarian, bladder and colon cancers. If you are not ready to give up meat altogether, start by eating at least one meatless meal every week. Visit WomansDay.com/Meatless for some easy and delicious menu ideas.

Stay slim

The ovaries stop producing estrogen after menopause, but because fat produces estrogen, we suspect that women who are obese continue to get a higher amount of the hormone than women of normal weight," says Joanne Mortimer, MD, director, Women's Cancers Program at the City of Hope Comprehensive Cancer Center in Duarte, CA. This may lead to the development of breast masses. Use this theory as motivation to slim down.

Click here for more tips to prevent cancer from Woman's Day.

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