4 Steps to Making Smarter Decisions

By , By Emilie Lyons, of Woman's Day

Every day you are faced with hundreds of decisions: You decide what to make for breakfast, how to react to coworkers and whether or not to indulge in a slice of chocolate cake. Yet it's not until after the choice has been made that you discover how wrong it was. For example, the stomachache that resulted from saying "yes" to cake is one indication that you may have chosen poorly; another could be the dissatisfaction you feel when you discover option B had a better outcome in the long run. But just because you've made some wrong picks in the past doesn't mean you are destined to make them for the rest of your life. The next time you’re contemplating what to do, stick to the following tips from our decision-making experts, and you can ward off regret for good.

1. Think about what's most important to you.
We all choose our choices for a variety of reasons, including running out of time, not wanting to consider an alternative or simply following our gut. But Sheena Iyengar, PhD, author of The Art of Choosing and S.T. Lee Professor of Business at Columbia Business School, asserts that when faced with any decision, the crucial thing to consider is what matters most to you—regardless of how insignificant you may think the decision is. “It is unlikely that any one choice in a given day will alter your life,” Dr. Iyengar says. However, she adds, all those small choices do add up and will eventually impact you for better or worse. To make sure they fall into the former category rather than the latter, figure out which aspects of your life are most important to you and then take a second to ensure that all of the decisions you make support your life goals. For example, if you can't decide whether to sweat it out at the gym or go out for drinks after work, consider whether your health or friendships play a more vital role in your life. Viewing the options in these terms will make it easier for you to decide which one is right for you.

2. Keep your emotions in check.
Have you ever splurged on a dress you knew you couldn't afford just because you loved the way it looked on you? Many of us lead with our hearts instead of our heads, but decisions based on emotions often end in regret. (For example, you may feel remorse about purchasing that dress once your credit card bill arrives.) William Helmreich, PhD, author of What Was I Thinking?: The Dumb Things We Do and How to Avoid Them and a professor of Sociology at CUNY Graduate School, advises anyone who finds themselves in an emotional situation to wait five hours before making a final decision. This way, you can calm your emotions to a reasonable level and start thinking clearly about the consequences of each option as well as which decision will support your life goals.

2 more steps to making smarter decisions!

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