A New Workout Challenge With Limited Mobility in Mind

By , SparkPeople Blogger
Whether you've been sidelined due to injury or a permanent disability keeps you from being as active as you'd like, it can be frustrating to try to modify workouts to meet your needs. How do you keep moving and motivated when your joints and muscles hurt? What if you want to try an activity but it's not an option right now, or you don't even know where to begin? If you can't get up and down from the floor, or running and other traditional forms of exercise aren't possible, does that mean you're destined to be a couch potato? Certainly not!

The term "limited mobility" covers a wide range of situations. Your activity level could be limited due to a chronic condition such as arthritis or multiple sclerosis, a temporary injury or your size. The new 30-day Limited Mobility Challenge has something for everyone: tips to stay motivated, seated workouts, information on how to deal with specific kinds of pain and advice on how to modify workouts to meet your needs. While every day of the challenge might not apply specifically to your exact situation, you'll still get good ideas to get moving and stay moving on your journey to a healthier you. As an added bonus, you'll get SparkPoints for each day of the challenge you complete!

What can I expect from this challenge?

  • 30 Daily "Mini Challenges"
Each day you'll get a mini challenge to complete. This could be a workout, a motivational task or an article to read. These daily tasks will help you stay accountable to your plan for the duration of the four weeks, reminding you of what to do, offering great tips and keeping you focused on your goals.
  • Daily SparkPoints
Why not make learning fun by earning SparkPoints along the way? Each day's task is worth 10 to 20 SparkPoints. To earn your points, visit the challenge page and click the "I Did This!'' button to tell us that you completed that day's task. It's that easy!
  • Member Support
Many of the daily tasks ask you to check in on the Challenge Wall, which is part of the SparkTeam devoted to this challenge. There you'll share your thoughts about your workout, what you learned from today's article, your favorite motivational tip and more! Learn from others, share your ups and downs, and get the support you need to succeed!

How do I sign up?

Go to the Calendar Challenges page on SparkPeople to access this and all of our other challenges. After signing up, you'll receive a daily email for the next 30 days with a reminder to complete your mini challenge and get your SparkPoints. 

When does the challenge start?

Right now! The challenge is open and ready for you to join at any time, so let's get started!

Do you have mobility issues? How are you hoping this challenge will help you become more active?