I have previously shared that calcium is an important nutrient you may be missing in your diet. The newly released 2010 Dietary Guidelines lists calcium as a nutrient of concern because intake by many Americans is lower than recommended. There are also reports that getting too much calcium later in life can be detrimental. Calcium is an essential nutrient, necessary for nerve transmission, hormone secretion, and muscle function in addition to vasodilation and constriction. Ninety-nine percent of the body's calcium supply is found in the bones and teeth. By the time we reach our 30's, we have reached the end of our bone building years. That means the bone building teen and early 20's are important ones for eating right. We can maintain healthy bone mass through healthy eating and this is especially important during our 40's and beyond. Adequate calcium from healthy eating becomes critical especially for post-menopausal women to limit bone breakdown and loss that increases osteoporosis risks. Male and female adults, ages 19-50, need 1,000 milligrams daily and those over age 51 should increase their intake to 1,200 milligrams daily. Males and females between the ages of 9-18 require 1,300 milligrams of calcium each day. A safe daily upper intake level has also been established as 2,500 milligrams for individuals between the ages of 19-50, and 2,000 milligrams for those over the age of 51. There are many ways to boost your calcium intake but sometimes supplements are still necessary. Are you getting the most from yours? Sometimes adding beans to soups, chili and pasta dishes or enjoying a smoothie made with yogurt just doesn't provide enough calcium. Don't drink milk? Regardless of why milk isn't in your diet, there are other sources of calcium rich and fortified foods to help you meet your daily needs. Foods such as collard greens, fortified juices, tofu and cereal as well as fortified non-dairy alternatives are included in many healthy diets. Because there are many natural and fortified foods rich in calcium, you may be meeting your estimated needs and taking a supplement unnecessarily and at risk of having too much. For this reason, it is important to talk with your medical provider about the need for a calcium supplement. When a supplement is recommended, keep these tips in mind.
Do you take a calcium supplement? Which one of these tips provided you with new information to make the most it? |
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