Be Aware of Your Diabetes Risk

By , SparkPeople Blogger
Since November is Diabetes Awareness Month, we wanted to take this opportunity to remind you about all the tools and content you can find on SparkPeople to help you successfully manage your diabetes whether you've been diagnosed as pre-diabetic or are living with type 1 or type 2 diabetes. According the American Diabetes Association, nearly 26 million children and adults in the United States have diabetes, while another 79 million Americans have pre-diabetes or are at risk for developing type 2 diabetes. Many diabetes complications can be prevented or delayed with careful attention to diet, exercise, medication and blood glucose monitoring.

If you suspect you might have diabetes or pre-diabetes, please get tested today. The sooner you start to actively manage your condition, the longer and healthier your life will be! The most common symptoms include increased thirst and urination, unusual fatigue and blurred vision, though many people with pre-diabetes experience no obvious symptoms. Risk factors include age, obesity, family history and race.

Below are just some of the many free resouces and programs SparkPeople offers to help you manage your diabetes:
Understanding Diabetes
Types of Diabetes
What is Pre-Diabetes?
SparkPeople's Pre-Diabetes Plan
SparkPeople's Type 1 Diabetes Plan
SparkPeople's Type 2 Diabetes Plan


Eating with Diabetes

Alcoholic Beverages
What about Fruit?
Counting "Net Carbs"
Best & Worst Party Foods
Diabetes-Friendly Snacking
Diabetes-Friendly Dessert & Sweets

Managing Carbohydrates & Sugars in Your Diet
Carbohydrate Counting Chart
13 Carb-Controlled Snacks
Baking with Sugar Substitutes
The Hunt for Hidden Sugar
How to Stop Sugar Cravings

Exercising with Diabetes

Diabetes Weight-Loss Workout Plan
Exercising with Type 1 Diabetes
Exercising with Type 2 Diabetes
Carb Facts for Exercisers with Diabetes

Connect with Others Who Have Diabetes
SparkPeople's 8-Week Diabetes Weight Loss Challenge
Managing Diabetes SparkTeam
Pre-Diabetes SparkTeam
More Diabetes-Related SparkTeams

You'll find all the SparkPeople diabetes articles in our Spark*D Condition Center where you can also sign up for our free diabetes-management program that includes personalized meal plans, blood sugar tracking and weekly newsletters for type 1 diabetes, type 2 diabetes and pre-diabetes.