Book Review: 'Fitness Fast Track to a Better Body'

By , SparkPeople Blogger
The editors of Fitness magazine recently sent me a copy of their newest book, "Fitness Fast Track to a Better Body" (Wiley, 2011). I dug into this paperback gem while traveling for work last week, and it helped me make the most of my wait time at the airport (and while flying). I'm a big fan of Fitness magazine, and love their workouts and sensible advice each month. But the healthy skeptic in me was, well, skeptical of this title. After all, can you really "fast track" weight loss or fitness in a healthy way? I wasn't too sure that that those two things could work hand in hand. Something had to give, right?

So when I reviewed the book, first and foremost I wanted to make sure it didn't contain any crazy claims, outrageous diets or wacky workouts. What I found were realistic, accurate and helpful tips to changing your diet for the better and squeezing in exercise in short chunks, like just 15 minutes at a time. I also found tons of quick recipes, fun and interesting new exercises, and a healthy dose of weight-loss myth busting. So will the book help you, too?

Overall, I was pleased with the book and really enjoyed reading it. Like Fitness magazine itself, it's written in a fun, conversational way and explains all kinds of concepts about nutrition and exercise in a common sense (and scientifically accurate) way. I really loved all the workout ideas (many don't use any equipment at all) and the many healthy menus and speedy meal ideas. It also contained a good dose of motivation: how to find it, and how to keep it firing strong. Nothing in this book would contradict the SparkPeople philosophy. In fact, the two would go hand-in-hand: take small, healthy steps that you can live with for the long haul and you'll get great results.

Check out this short video about the concept of the book and more about what it contains, featuring the lead author, Betty S. Wong (who also happens to be Editor in Chief over at Fitness magazine).

Sometimes, a small purchase like this (currently $13.51 at can be a great reward for reaching a new milestone in your current program, or even a fun way to help jump start your motivation if you feel like it's lagging. It sure worked for me! I loved the menu ideas and will definitely be incorporating these workouts and exercises into my routine soon.

How do you get on the "fast track" to changing your body in a healthy way? Share your best get-it-done-quick tip below!

See more: fitness magazine