Follow SparkPeople on Instagram

By , SparkPeople Blogger
Are you looking for a new way to stay motivated and connect with SparkPeople? You're in luck! We're now on Instagram, the photo and video sharing app! We love how easy Instagram is to use and that it allows us to share fun, healthy tidbits from behind the scenes at SparkPeople every day. While we do love writing about healthy living, it's true that a picture is worth a thousand words. Here's proof:


Come find us on Instagram (and read the stories behind the photos). Tag your photos #sparkpeople to give us permission to repost them, and start following us to get the inside scoop on healthy living. Recently, we've shared pics showing how SparkPeople's experts stay fit (while having fun), snapshots into what really goes on at our offices, and our favorite words of wisdom.

Please share your Instagram username in the comments below, or follow us and we'll follow you back. Help us spread the word that #healthyliving is all about living! (Don't forget to give us a shoutout and use the hashtag #sparkpeople!)

If you don’t have an Instagram account, take a sneak peek at our feed here.

Are you on Instagram? What types of photos would you like us to share?