Giving Thanks from Your SparkPeople Family

By , SparkPeople Blogger
As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them. ~John Fitzgerald Kennedy

In a few short days many of us will gather around the table with family and friends to give thanks for the many blessings bestowed on throughout the year. While today's Thanksgiving celebration is centered around mealtime, football games, parades and fun events, stopping to give thanks is still front and foremost for many of us.

Today's blog features quotes from our SparkPeople family to you as to what we are most thankful for. I hope you enjoy reading the quotes. While many of the names will be familiar with our members, we have many people behind the scenes who work diligently every day to give each and every one of you the ability to live the life you are meant to live.

"I'm thankful for having such an amazing team of SparkPeople employees and members working together to reach their goals and then spark the world!"~Chris "SparkGuy" Downie

"I have always been thankful for my parents who taught me about nutrition, gardening and the importance of family meals.   At age 89, their mental and physical health is rapidly declining. However, on any day that I ask them..."Who wants to go for a walk?"  Guess who is always ready to go--no matter what the weather?  It is at a slow pace, about 1/2 mile in 30 minutes.  I have taken this time to gather stories from their childhood and young adult life.  Upon arriving home, I quickly write down my findings to pass onto future generations!"~ Dietitian Becky Hand

"I am thankful for finally getting to try fried turkey this year!"~ Wally Aboulhosn

"I am most thankful for my family - they are a constant source of love and support, and spending time with them is one of the ways I "recharge" when my energy tank is low."~Jeff Rezer

"I'm thankful for my three healthy children and a husband that goes out of his way every day to help me however he can :)" ~ Coach Jen

"This year, I am grateful for my healthy kids, my happy marriage, my parents who are active and healthy and my incredible in laws who are supportive. Grateful both my sisters are pregnant with healthy babies and that my almost 2 year old nephews latest biopsy showed zero rejection from the new heart he received last year!"~ Christine Brown

"This year I am most thankful for my network of friends and family. After losing two close family members and gaining a new set of family members when I married my husband last year, I've realized to never take your loved ones for granted because they are really all you can count on in life. I'm also very thankful that Ginger walked into our lives last year and has brought us so much joy and made running even more fun for me!"~Coach Nicole  
"I'm thankful to be surrounded by an amazing family and group of close friends, great co-workers, a job that allows me to help others, and the health of my friends and family." ~Tim Metzner

"I am thankful for so many things, but I am especially thankful for my family and friends this year (and every year)" ~ Coach Denise

"I am thankful and blessed that I am able to work for a company I passionately believe in that helps so many people lead healthier, happier and empowered lives! I love spreading the message of SparkPeople and am thankful every day that I am able to do so." ~ Deirdre Hynes

"I am most thankful for the health and time to be with family and the ability for all to be able and willing to travel to be together." ~ Coach Tanya  
"Most thankful for both kids having a great school year!" ~Dave Heilmann

"I am thankful for all those who elect to drop money and never pick it up. I found my first penny on August 24, 2007 during  a run and to date I have found $92.72. I am especially thankful to Chris and all the SparkPeople staff for offering me a job that allows me to be inspired every day by ordinary people achieving extraordinary success!" ~Coach Nancy

"I am thankful not for the life I have, but rather, for the awareness that the life I have is mine to create and improve." ~ John Hulsey

"I'm thankful for health, family and friends."~Alex Louis

"This year, I am particularly thankful for my unwaveringly supportive husband and loving, happy children."~Anne Allen

"I am thankful for the chance to start anew, the ability to move my body freely in this world, and the strength to handle all that this beautiful life brings!"~Stepfanie Romine

"I am always thankful for the good health of my daughters and family. This year, I am most thankful for new beginnings as Tim and I officially begin our lives together as husband and wife." ~Kelly Anderson

"I'm thankful for curiosity. Each day I am excited for the opportunity to give and receive love from all the wonderful people in my life. It's a gift to be curious about what life will bring each day. I am thankful for my health and just how far my legs and heart have carried me on many runs this year." ~Samantha Donohue

"Today I'd like to thank my children for inspiring and challenging me to improve, grow, and hopefully teach them by example." ~Rachel Von Nida

"I am thankful to live in our wonderful country where we have the freedom to raise our kids in an environment where they have many freedoms and benefits of receiving a good education, equal opportunities, and modern medicine.I am especially thankful for my husband, children, parents and all of our family and friends." ~Angie Heilmann  
"I am most thankful for family and friends and the continued good health of these people."~Dominic Acito

"I'm thankful for the opportunity life has given me to realize my potential and am hoping for longevity because I have a long way to go." ~Bruce Corwin

HAPPY THANKSGIVING to you all from your SparkPeople Family!

What are you most thankful for this year? Do you try to find the blessing in everyday life?