Gluten Sensitivity Might Not Exist, Say Researchers Who Originally Discovered It

By , SparkPeople Blogger
In 2011, researchers found evidence that gluten--a protein found in many grains like wheat, rye and barley--may cause gastrointesinal distress in some people who do not have celiac disease. The same team ran a second test to see if they could replicate the original results and the results were not the same. For the follow-up test, the team of scientists recruited 37 subjects who self-identify as "gluten-intolerant" and fed them a succession of high-gluten, low-gluten and no-gluten diets. When researchers analyzed the data, they found that the levels of reported pain, bloating, nausea and gas for all diets were similar.

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According to researchers who originally discovered (non-celiac) gluten sensitivity, key evidence discovered in the... in SparkPeople's Hangs on LockerDome

See more: poll gluten-free