How to Fit in at the Fitness Center

By , SparkPeople Blogger
A round-up of the week's most interesting healthy living stories.

Fitting In at the Fitness Center

A former athlete who's trying to get back into shape has started a website with tips on how to feel comfortable at the gym if you're new to working out or just returning to fitness. From The New York Times

Can You Patent A Steak?
Researchers at Oklahoma State University discovered a new steak, but they won't say where in the cow it's located. They're first trying to patent the steak--and the butchering process. From NPR

A shocking (and hot!) tip for preserving produce
Save money and extend the life of your produce with this simple but life-changing tip. From the Associated Press via

Take a Meditative Mind to Unexpected Activities
Applying meditation techniques to everyday activities can have a profound effect on your life. From Fit Sugar

21 Meditations to Make You Love Yo’Self!
If you need some help learning to love your body, this easy guided program is for you. From Fit Bottomed Girls

7 Ways to Save on Health Care

Spending too much on health care? Find out how to save money on everything from hospital bills to prescriptions. From Fitness Magazine

8 Moves to Perk Up Your Boobs

Fight gravity and reverse the sag with these targeted strength moves. From Self

Which stories were on your mind this week?