Update: 5/1/14 at 3:45 p.m. We appreciate your feedback. Today we added back links to recent blogs posted by Team members since so many of you commented about regularly using that feature. Enjoy! Update: 4/30/14 at 10:10 a.m. Good morning! We are happy to announce that the new SparkTeam features we allued to yesterday (see below) are now live for you to use. Read the original blog post to learn more about these updates. Thanks! Original Post: Good afternoon! Everyone at SparkPeople has been working hard to improve the website (and mobile apps) these past few weeks to enhance our members' experience. Today we wanted to give you a heads up about some changes coming tomorrow (April 30, 2014) to SparkTeams. SparkTeams are one of our most popular Community features because they allow members to meet and interact with others who have similar goals, interests, geographic locations, lifestyles and more. These new changes will make SparkTeams easier to use based on input from members and Team leaders, plus data on which Team features are used the most and the least. It also comes with a visual redesign to clean up and simplify Team pages. NEW Team Wall feature: At the top of your SparkTeam pages you'll see a new feature we call the Team Wall (see image below). This section shows the 200 most recent updates, member-uploaded photos, announcements and "check ins" from members. Anyone on the Team can see, reply to or "like" posts made to the Team Wall, and your Team leaders can make "sticky" announcements that stay at the top of the wall for 48 hours. Note that this feature is intended for light updates and will replace the Team Huddle feature. (Members could previously earn 5 SparkPoints for "huddling" in Teams. This feature will be gone, but you don't have any fewer Points opportunities! Beginning tomorrow, you can earn 3 Points for each post you make to a Team Wall, Message Board or Team Board for a max of 21 points per day—6 Points higher than before, so you can earn just as many Points as when the Huddle feature existed.) Team Message Boards: You'll still find these (and all of your former discussions) below the Team Wall feature. They work the same as before but will have a cleaner design and layout. You can continue to use the Message Boards on a Team page for ongoing and more involved discussions with other members. Find Active Team Members: There is a new ability to sort the list of all Team members to find those who have visited the Team page within the last 30 days—so you know if a member is active in the Team or not. More Features for Team Leaders: Leaders of SparkTeams have always had a few extra capabilities to help run their Teams more effectively. We have also included some new, must-requested features for Team Leaders, such as the ability to easily give Goodies to one or more members of your Team! This is a great way to reward and engage with your members! Leaders can check out this tutorial video we posted to YouTube to learn how to use these new features. All of the other most-used SparkTeam features are still accessible, just like before. We think these updates will make your SparkTeams even more fun and engaging than before. If you haven't joined or visited any SparkTeams lately, we hope this will Spark you to re-engage with the helpful and suppportive Community that exists at SparkPeople. Click here to see all Teams you belong to and to check out the new SparkTeams features for yourself tomorrow! Please post any questions or comments below or on the Message Boards. |
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