At SparkPeople, we love helping people accomplish big goals—but we believe it's equally important to celebrate the small successes along the way. Each week in the Spark Spotlight, we'll check in with a featured member about his or her proudest moments, biggest challenges and advice for others on living, thinking and feeling healthier. We hope these quick snapshots will help motivate you to keep moving steadily toward your own goals, week by week. This Week's Spotlight: Diane (DIANEDOESSMILES) Age: 59 Location: South Portland, Maine Diane's Small Success of the WeekWhat's your overall goal? Originally, it was to get out of my power chair. This has been accomplished! I weighed 288 pounds and was so scared of being put into a nursing home. Now I'm at 173. It's not really about the number on the scale, but freeing my body from the prison it was in. Now, my goal is about moving as easily as when I was in my early 30s. I'm almost there. How is SparkPeople helping you get there? I've met so many people with the attitude of "I can -- no, I AM doing this!" Tracking is so easy! I belong to two amazing teams: The 5% Challenge on the Spirited Under Dogs (Dawggies) as the motivational leader and the Biggest Loser Challenge in the Invincible Indigo team. I've not dieted. Instead, I've grown into the confident woman I used to be, while shrinking both in body and fears. What's your biggest challenge right now? I just had brain surgery two weeks ago for a non-ruptured aneurysm. I'm supposed to be taking it very easy. But I have a TON of energy. I'm not a patient gal. What advice do you have for someone who just joined SparkPeople today? Please remember we didn't put the weight on in a few months. It will come off, but be patient and work the steps. Track every bit. It's amazing what you'll see. I also encourage them to either buy or get from the library The Spark by SparkGuy. IIt will help you progress and NOT be hungry. Want to be the next small success we spotlight? Share your successes on the goal feed or in the comments below, and you might be the next person we contact! |
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