Spark Spotlight: Enya (TANNERZ)

By , SparkPeople Blogger
At SparkPeople, we love helping people accomplish big goals—but we believe it's equally important to celebrate the small successes along the way. Each week in the Spark Spotlight, we'll check in with a featured member about his or her proudest moments, biggest challenges and advice for others on living, thinking and feeling healthier. We hope these quick snapshots will help motivate you to keep moving steadily toward your own goals, week by week.

This Week's Spotlight: Enya (TANNERZ)
Age: 29
Location: Ontario, Canada

Enya's Small Success of the Week

Losing 60+ pounds!

What's your overall goal? 

My overall goal is to lose 85 pounds. So far I've gone from 250 to 190; I'm hoping to be 165 depending on how I look and feel overall. 
How is SparkPeople helping you get there? 

SparkPeople is helping me get there by providing an easy-to-use tracker for my nutrition and exercise and rewarding me by increasing my SparkPoints and acknowledging that I actively use the site on a daily basis. The streaks are a nice feature. 

What's your biggest challenge right now? 

My biggest challenge has always been sweets and overeating at night. I've managed to replace sweets with fruit, but not 100 percent. Sometimes I feel I have to indulge so I don't end up miserable. This seems to work for me--even if the journey is slower, I'm not in a bad mood doing it. 

What advice do you have for someone who just joined SparkPeople? 

This isn't a race--take your time and learn more about yourself and your body. You shouldn't view this as one big goal, but a bunch of little ones. Don't forget to reward yourself, because starting a journey to a healthier self is the best first step anyone can do for themselves. 

Want to be the next small success we spotlight? Share your successes on the goal feed or in the comments below, and you might be the next person we contact!