SparkCoach: The Official Blooper Reel

By , SparkPeople Blogger
My one-year "Sparkversary" of working at SparkPeople came and went in January, and I've been reflecting on all the amazing things I've gotten a chance to do over the past 12 months. Between writing, editing and managing content on the site, I also got to go on a whirlwind adventure to California to help direct and film a batch of videos for SparkCoach, our premium interactive coaching program. But I wasn't in this alone—I also had the pleasure of working with SparkGuy himself and SparkPeople member Shelli (MOSTMOM1). (You might remember Shelli's "SparkPeople Cup'' and "Hooping Gangnam Style'' vlogs—needless to say, this woman is FUN to work with; we had a blast! You can read her account of our trip here.) 

While we were out there filming SparkGuy, Shelli and I felt so very lucky to get to know the man behind the SparkPeople mission. I had only met him a handful of times at that point, and wasn't really sure what to expect when we got the cameras rolling. I arrived with my most serious, professional face on—but that quickly went out the window as soon as SparkGuy started climbing trees, hula hooping and jumping on trampolines while reciting his lines. We covered a lot of ground in just a few days, but we had such a great time that it didn't feel like work at all!

One of the biggest challenges of running a healthy living website full of informative content is that the topics tend to be a little serious. Weight loss certainly isn't easy. It's an emotionally-charged journey filled with ups and downs, and it takes consistent motivation, determination and the ability to see the bigger picture. It can be hard to squeeze some fun out of such a big undertaking, but I think SparkGuy has succeeded in enabling people to do that by creating a place where it's okay to have a good time, to laugh at yourself, and to embrace who you are in every phase of your journey. 

Even though we take weight loss and healthy living seriously here at SparkPeople, we're a pretty fun group. We work hard, but we also play hard (I don't think I've ever spent a full day in the office where I didn't laugh at least five times). I think the blooper reel that Shelli put together from our SparkCoach video shoot does a great job of capturing the raw spirit of our coaches and healthy living experts. We're all just real people on a real mission to help others live their best, healthiest lives--while having a little (okay, a LOT of) fun along the way. Check out the blooper reel video below!

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to learn more about SparkCoach and join in on the party! 

How do YOU make weight loss more fun?