SparkPeople's Best Day Ever

By , SparkPeople Blogger
Thanks to all of you for your kinds words, encouraging messages and excited notes about the launch of "The Spark."

Here at SparkPeople headquarters in Cincinnati, we celebrated the launch with a trip to a local bookstore to see the book on display and a group lunch. We were so excited that we actually got there as we the employees were bringing the new books out. By later that afternoon, we were getting emails, texts and tweets from friends, fans and members who had seen the book (and bought it)!

"The man checking me out asked if the book was featured on a show today because he has been selling them like crazy," Tanya told us when she went to buy more copies of "The Spark" for friends and family.

Coach Nicole's boyfriend snapped a photo of "The Spark" on display in a store near his office. And SparkGuy went to a bookstore in San Jose, California, to see his masterpiece on display!

He snapped a short (really short) video. Let's watch:

In addition to the team of professionals we have promoting and marketing the book, I also want to thank our grass-roots promoter, SPRING4FAL, whose photo and success story are in the book. She blogged about the launch yesterday, and she was on Twitter all day, telling every fitness professional she could about the book. Leah, you're awesome! Thanks for all the support from her and everyone else who has helped us "Spread the Spark!" As SparkGuy told us, this is THE most important thing we can do to Spread the Spark!

Have you seen "The Spark" in stores? When you do, snap a picture of yourself with the book and email it to, subject line: I Found "The Spark." You might soon see yourself on the dailySpark!