We Tried A Bakers Dozen Yogurts--So You Don't Have To!

By , SparkPeople Blogger
Until now, the dailySpark has been reviewing foods one at a time. We're trying something different. We'll review several varieties of one food, then share the pros and cons with you. We won't pick a "winner," because taste is subjective. We will share our comments and opinions in the new series Supermarket Survey.

How often do you buy a food at the grocery store, only to get it home and try it--and dislike it. It's too sweet, not flavorful, too thick, not filling enough, etc.? It's disappointing--and expensive! That's why we're we're doing these large-scale reviews.

We started with yogurt: fat-free vanilla and low-fat strawberry. We tried them all: organic and conventional, creamy and chunky, thick and thin. We even tried a soy yogurt.

Take a peek at our evaluation and our comments!


Cascade Fresh had fruit on the bottom, a very natural flavor and a natural color. It looked darker and redder than the other yogurts when stirred.

Dannon was sweeter than the other fruit on the bottom variety, and it had great chunks of real strawberry. Our testers were big fans of the fruit on the bottom varieties because they like to control the amount of fruit in each bite.

Silk was hit with the tasters who loved FrankenBerry cereal as a kid. This is a soy yogurt, and most people said they'd like it more if they didn't think of it as yogurt.

Stonyfield Farm had a great natural color (meaning it was a reddish pink and not hot pink), large chunks of fruit and a nice creamy consistency.

Yoplait Original is a blended yogurt but still has fruit chunks. This was a favorite for a few tasters.

Yoplait Whips had mixed reviews, but the reviews were strong. Some people LOVED this light, fluffy yogurt. They thought it would be a great substitute for whipped cream. Others thought it had a strange aftertaste. It reminded some people of a dessert their grandmothers made--and they loved it.

Yoplus+ was tops with our reviewers. It had chunks and was very creamy and smooth. The strawberry flavor was strong, and it was nicely sweetened.


Both Dannon yogurts had good, intense flavors. They were good on their own with no additions.

The Horizon yogurt had a slightly sour taste and was really creamy. We agreed it would be perfect in a parfait.

The OIKOS yogurt had great texture. It was thick, creamy and flavorful. However, it wasn't sweet enough and had a very mild vanilla flavor. We wanted to add sugar or honey to it. It would be good alongside some sweet fruit preserves or berries.

Stonyfield Farm's yogurt had the truest vanilla flavor. It was very runny, but that would be good if you wanted to drizzle it on granola or fruit.

If you want thick, custardy yogurt, go for the Yoplait, which was the thickest. It was very sweet and creamy--perfect for a dessert. (no photo available)

What is your favorite yogurt? Do you prefer creamy or fruit on the bottom yogurts? Do you like this new food feature? What other categories of foods should we review for you?