The First Lady's Agenda: Healthy Living

By , SparkPeople Blogger
Historically, first ladies have had their own agendas and things they want to promote while their husbands are in office. For example, Laura Bush championed America's libraries and Hilary Clinton focused on health care reform. One of Michelle Obama's agendas is a focus on healthy living. She believes that fresh and nutritious foods shouldn't just be a luxury for those who can afford them, but rather they should be a staple of every American's diet.

Mrs. Obama is promoting community vegetable gardens and locally grown foods. She's discussing the kinds of healthy dishes White House chefs are preparing for guests and even her own children, since the White House gets fresh fruits and vegetables from farms in Maryland, Pennsylvania and New Jersey. Last week Mrs. Obama helped serve food at a soup kitchen in Washington that serves only fresh food. Her message was clear: regardless of income level, everyone deserves access to fresh fruits and vegetables.

Mrs. Obama has publicly discussed her and the president's fitness regime and changes to their family's eating habits over the past few years. Although she promotes healthy living, she also lives by the idea of "everything in moderation." She's been known to eat fast food from time to time and feels that it's fine to eat the things you love- within reason. She feels this attitude works well her for family, and also makes them easier for the average American family to relate to.

What do you think about this agenda? Do you think Mrs. Obama's focus on healthy living will make an impact on American families and help people gain better access to quality food? What kind of hurdles do you see (or have you encountered in your own life) when trying to provide fresh and unprocessed foods for all?

UPDATE: The First Lady broke ground on a White House organic garden on March 20!

Photo: PRPhotos
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