The Football Workout

By , SparkPeople Blogger
A round-up of the most interesting and thought-provoking stories of the week.

The Football Workout Football fans will love this workout! Self

Eating Nuts Tied to Fewer Cancer, Heart Disease Deaths A handful of nuts a day could be making a larger impact on your health than you realize. Reuters

Breakfast Plates around the World An interesting peek into what people eat for breakfast around the world. USA Today

13 Essential Kitchen Items For Anyone Trying To Get Healthier Want to stock your kitchen with appliances and items to make healthy eating easier? Start with this list. Mind Body Green

Coffee Maker Cooking: Brew Up Your Next Dinner A neat story about how you can make healthy meals even when you don't have access to a full kitchen! NPR

13 Things Mentally Strong People Don’t Do Want to toughen up mentally? Start here. Lifehack

Drumroll, Please: How Band Camp Pays Off Later in Life Band kids are getting the last laugh. Being a musician can slow cognitive declines. Time

Love Your Legs Workout Looking for a new lower-body workout? You'll love this one. Fitness

Why French Kids Don't Have ADHD One psychologist's thoughts on alternative treatments to medicating children. Psychology Today

Which stories topped your "must-read" list this week?