The Secret to Getting Kids to Eat Right

By , SparkPeople Blogger
A round-up of the most interesting and thought-provoking stories of the week.

Adults whose moms were obese may die sooner, study says
If you're thinking about losing weight before trying to conceive, be sure to read this story, about a new study focusing on the lifelong connection between maternal weight and a child's health. USA Today 

How Many Calories in That?
Do you really know how to "eyeball" calories and serving sizes in foods that lack nutrition labels? Prove it by testing yourself. Self

Want Kids to Eat Healthier? Don’t Tell Them, Show Them
Researchers found that kids are willing to eat more salad if you make it look cool--via a digital display that appeals to their love of video games. While a great idea for schools who can pay big bucks for fancy signs, what would be an affordable at-home alternative? Today's Dietitian

Study Shows Sugar Is Toxic In Mice -- What This Might Mean For You
A new study found that the sugar equivalent of just three sodas a day in humans had a toxic effect on mice. Would a single study be enough to curb your soda habit? Huffington Post Healthy Living

Habits linked to obesity may differ for boys and girls
Boys and girls share some risk factors for childhood obesity, but many are gender specific, according to researchers. Find out which habits could lead your son or daughter to gain weight. The Chicago Tribune

Healthy diet in diabetes tied to less kidney disease
Diabetes can have serious health complications, kidney disease among them. But there's good news: a healthy diet can help. Learn how. Reuters

10 Essential Superfoods from The Paleo Diet
We'll never give up our oatmeal or whole grains, but the Paleo diet does pack in a lot of superfoods we eat regularly. Find out which of your favorites made the list of "caveman" superfoods. Mind Body Green
Risk of Adult Anxiety Seen in Children’s Stomachaches
Children with chronic stomachaches not linked to any physical cause are at risk for anxiety as teenagers and young adults. Find out what steps parents should take if their kids are at risk. NYT Well blog
Watermelon Sports Drink
If you like watermelon, you'll love this post-workout rehydration drink. It has only four ingredients, all tasty and delicious! Run Eat Repeat
Are e-Cigarettes Really a Healthy Alternative to Lighting Up?
Many people are turning to "e-cigarettes" for a nicotine fix these days, but are they at all "healthy" or just as harmful as actual cigarettes?  Shape
Sweet Potato Lentil Curry
Looking for a new meatless meal? You might like this tasty curry from Fannetastic Food
My Favorite Meditation Resources
If you're new to meditation and interested in learning more, check out these resources for newbies. Losing Weight in the City
Which stories topped your "must-read" list this week?