The (Surprising) First Step to Getting Fit

By , SparkPeople Blogger
NFL star Terrell Owens recently wrote a book on fitness, which was published by Simon & Schuster. Here is a guest blog post about taking the first step toward getting fit from "T.O.’s Finding Fitness."

Changing your thinking about what it takes to be fit is more important than the whys, whens, and wheres of how you’re going to do it. Here, how to get started and stay motivated.

Everything starts with the mind. Everything! If you set your mind on high things, you’ll achieve high goals. Of course, the opposite is true as well. Lack of ambition and negative thoughts will delivery negative results in every area of your life.

Once you overcome your mental weaknesses, affirm that your body can do remarkable things, and tap into the spirit within yourself, you will be one step closer to making a complete transformation that will lead you to a lifestyle of fitness forever.

Steps to Finding Fitness

  1. Identify which mental challenges have been holding you back from discovering your true path to fitness.
  2. Write them down and use them as your mental playbook for conquering your fitness goals.
  3. Spend ten days before you begin a new program mentally preparing yourself for your workout.
  4. Make the decision that no matter where you start, you will make the commitment to stay with your program for at least two weeks straight.
  5. Allow your body to dictate your progress. Do not focus on what others doing. Stay the course, maintain your own flow. This is about your lifestyle, and it will take time to create.
  6. Lose the rules. Fitness shouldn’t be about rules; it should be about using your natural tools (mind, body, and spirit) to create the energy and space in which you want to live. When you can truly say you’re comfortable in your own skin and with yourself, you have succeeded in finding fitness.
  7. Create an atmosphere of confidence. Take time to really get to know what you like and dislike about working out. Some people enjoy working out at the gym. Others prefer to stay home and work out alone. For some, a one-on-one program with a trainer may be best. There is no right or wrong; you can and will get results lifting weights, doing pilates at home, or using my personal gym system. What you do and where you do it is determined by your schedule, your current lifestyle, your strengths and weaknesses, and your goals.

It’s more important for you to change your mind and your thinking about what is takes to be fit than to focus on the hows, whys, whens, and wheres of how you’re going to do it. Making the decision to live a lifestyle geared to fitness is the most important step you will take toward achieving your goals.

Now that you’re mentally strong, let’s get down to what’s real. No matter where you start or stop, you’re already a winner.

One final thought: I want you to understand that the reason my body can withstand the damage that can be done in the NFL, and the reason I’ve managed to come back from what other people would consider career-ending injuries, is that I believe in focusing in strengthening and developing the core -- that is, working muscles from the inside out rather than focusing on the superficial (surface) muscles. My antics on and off the field are often followed by catchy phrases like Getcha Popcorn Ready or I Loves Me Some Me that keeps me motivated. As you begin these workouts, think of your own catchphrases and make them yours; they’ll work as affirmation that will keep you pumped.

Let loose, and prepare to entertain your body. It’s game day, baby; see you in the endzone!

Get more fitness tips with T.O.’s Finding Fitness by Terrell Owens.

Take a look inside the book.

About the Author
Terrell Owens is a perennial all-pro wide receiver. In 2005 he became only the sixth receiver in NFL history with 100 touchdown receptions. His reality series, "The T.O. Show," airs on VH1. Terrell currently plays for Buffalo Bills.

Buy the book "T.O.’s Finding Fitness.”

When you started your healthy living journey, did you use any of these tips? What helped motivate you to get fit?