Time Your Health Right

By , By Jessica Girdwain, of Woman's Day
Have Better Days

Feel like all of the advice you hear tells you to do more? Eat more salad. Drink more water. But it's not just about doing more, it's about doing what you already do—like taking a walk or drinking coffee—at the right time to maximize the benefits. "Your biological clock regulates when you produce certain hormones and chemicals that affect just about everything, from your energy levels to how quickly you burn calories," says Timothy H. Monk, PhD, director of human chronobiology research at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center.


7:00 A.M. Eat an Egg (or Two)

Protein is the nutrient that's crucial to helping you feel satisfied, and eggs clock in at about 6 grams of protein each. "Protein lowers levels of hormones that prompt hunger and boosts levels of hormones that help you feel full," says Heather Leidy, PhD, who led a study at the University of Missouri-Columbia that found a protein-rich breakfast reduces cravings and overeating.


11:00 A.M. Pay Your Bills

"You're at your best mentally mid-morning, since this is when your body temperature rises and levels of the hormone cortisol peak. These changes keep you alert," says Dr. Monk. Schedule tasks that require focus and attention, like paying bills or planning meals.


12:00 P.M. Drink Coffee

Sip a cup of java with lunch and you may reduce your risk of diabetes—without disrupting your sleep later. Drinking a few cups of coffee (regular or decaf) per day was associated with a 34% lower risk of developing diabetes in a recent American Journal of Clinical Nutrition study. Experts think that compounds in coffee can help regulate your body's blood sugar response to a meal. Having it now ensures that the buzz wears off before bedtime.

Click here to learn more about the best times to do everything each day!

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