Trim Your Tummy

By , By Suzanne Bowen, of Woman's Day

Whittle Your Middle

Got 10 minutes? Then you have enough time to work this workout into your routine. These six simple moves can put you on your way toward a tinier tummy. So what are you waiting for?



Mountain Climber


1. Start in a push-up position, hands flat on the floor and below your shoulders, legs extended behind you. Your body should be straight.

2. Bend your right leg and bring it in toward your chest, then straighten it and return to starting position. Repeat with your left leg. Alternating legs, slowly do as many as you can for 60 seconds, making sure to keep your hips and butt low.


Side Hip Drop


1. Lean on your left elbow with your body, right arm raised. (Your elbow should be directly below your shoulder.) Extend your right (top) leg as you lift your body and bend your left leg behind you, keeping it on the ground.

2. Lower your hips a few inches, then lift back up. Slowly do as many small dips as you can for 30 seconds, then switch over to your right side and repeat.

Arrow Arm Crunch


1. Start on your back with your knees bent, feet flat on the floor. Focus on using your abs to lift your upper body off the floor as you straighten your arms and bring your hands together (like an arrow pointing to the center of your legs).

2. Reach to the left side, then back to the center, then to the right side and back to the center. Repeat for 30 seconds, rest, then do another 30-second set.

Click here for 3 more tummy toning exercises!

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