Try Sparkpeople Premium for Two Weeks, Free!

By , Pumped about Premium :)
Hello again, and happy October! We’re launching something new today that we’re super excited about and we think you will be, too! 

Starting today, you can try SparkPeople Premium for FREE! That’s right, we’re now offering a free trial of our Premium membership to all members with no obligation to continue with the upgrade once the trial is over. It’s a two-week trial, and it’s on us. :)

Why Did We Decide to Roll Out a Free Trial?

It’s been about a year since we launched SparkPeople Premium and the response has been overwhelmingly positive. The members who have decided to take the Premium plunge don’t regret it, and many of you have been nice enough to let us know how much you love Premium.

But there’s still many of you out there who haven’t yet tried on Premium to see if it’s a good fit. We understand; plunking down money on something that sounds awesome but you’ve never tried is hard. So that’s why we wanted to give you a chance to give us a try.

How Does It Work?

No matter where you start your trial--on the site or in the app--it’s easy to sign up for the SparkPeople Premium experience. But the process does vary a little depending on your starting point. 

In the app, you’ll see a big, orange button at the bottom of the Premium Features screen. When you hit the button, you’ll see a confirmation screen from your operating system of choice (iOS or Android), informing you that you’re signing up for a free trial. Once you click the button on that screen confirming that you want to give the trial a whirl, you’ll get all the benefits of Premium.

If you’re on our website, you can sign up for your free trial on the Premium Overview page. You will have to enter your credit card information--we do this so you can continue to use Premium after your trial is completed--and the trial will start once you click the button at the bottom of the page.

Regardless of where you start, the trial will last two weeks. You can cancel at anytime--don’t worry, you won’t hurt our feelings. There’s no obligation here, we just would like you to give Premium a spin, because we think it’s the best SparkPeople experience we have to offer. If you decide to continue on with Premium after your trial, you won’t have to do anything; we’ll start your subscription right at the end of the trial so there won’t be an interruption to your benefits.

Speaking of the Benefits of Premium…

In case you don’t remember what we offer with SparkPeople Premium, allow us to give you the quick rundown:
  • advanced reporting,
  • our Email-a-Coach feature,
  • an ad-free experience on our site and in our apps
  • free access to SparkCoach and
  • our Secrets of Success e-book.

If you’d like to get a better idea of what all these benefits are exactly, check out this blog we wrote that’s just about that. PLUS, you’ll be the first to get access to new tools and features we’ll be rolling out to Premium this year!

If you have any questions about this, hit us up in the comments below, and we’ll be sure to answer quickly. Now go and give SparkPeople Premium a try!

See more: sparkpeople premium