Two Years that Changed My Life

By , SparkPeople Blogger
There are many dates that stand out in our lives--the day we graduated high school and/or college, the day we met our future spouse, the day we got married, had our children, and the list goes on and on. For me I will add another date and that is August 1st. You may be asking yourself why this date is so significant to me and how it allowed me to become the person I am today. Well, that was the day I was given the incredible opportunity to come work for SparkPeople just two short years ago.

I was, and am, so honored and humbled to be asked to share my talents with all of you. While I never pictured myself as a writer, I am slowly gaining the confidence to move in that direction. I think my high school freshman English teacher would be quite proud of me today. Even though she was one of the toughest teachers I ever had, she taught me to go outside my comfort zone and do things I never thought I could do. So for all you teachers out there, never underestimate the power of your role in shaping the lives of your students even 30 plus years later.

One of the most amazing aspects of my job is getting to meet so many people, whether in the virtual world on the message boards and SparkTeams or in the so-called 'real world'. Having traveled to two SparkPeople conventions in San Diego and Cincinnati, to traveling to New Orleans, Seattle and Chicago--where I am today--to Portland, Oregon in just a few short weeks to Victoria, British Columbia, to San Antonio and then Las Vegas in December all to participate with other SparkPeople members, I must say I haven't met a SparkPeople member that hasn't left me with a special gift of friendship.

I am blessed to work with some of the greatest people in the world. While I don't work with them in the Cincinnati office, they have never made feel as though I was not part of the team. From SparkGuy himself, Chris Downie, on through the ranks, everyone welcomed me with open arms and has helped me become the person I am today. THANK YOU!

My husband laughs when I tell him where my travels will lead me next. Never in my wildest dream would you have found me, a once timid and shy person, traveling thousands of miles alone to meet people I have only met on the internet. While some may call this crazy, there is such a sense of camaraderie when you come together as a team with people you have shared so much with over the weeks, months and years.

SparkPeople truly lives up to its name. It is the SPARK that allows us to go outside our comfort zone, to spread our wings, and do things we never would have imagined ourselves doing.

One of the most exciting adventures is to see the Dallas SparkTeam take off! What was once a quiet little team is growing into a small active team, planning events and seeking others to join our group. Amazing how just a few people can take the tiger by the tail and turn the tide.

This is my challenge to all of you--get active in your local SparkTeams and if you don't have one, form one. Even if it your rally is just you and another SparkPeople member, bring it on. I think you will see that this is what makes SparkPeople unique. It isn't just another weight loss site, yes, I did the e-Diets deal, Weight Watchers online and even South Beach, but nothing has truly changed the course in my life like SparkPeople and all of you who make SparkPeople what it is.

SparkPeople brings together people who may have never had the opportunity to meet. And of course I will have the honor to meet lots of members tomorrow as we share the journey of healthy living and friendship together. Be prepared--SparkPeople Members Take on Chicago will be my next blog.

Would you be willing to call a SparkPeople Rally in your town or community? Have you attended a rally in your area and if so, did you build a bond with other members?

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