We are a SparkPeople Family

By , SparkPeople Blogger
When I joined SparkPeople over three years ago I could have never imagined the great friendships I have formed all via a computer, keyboard, internet provider, and this fantastic site we have all grown to depend on to help us learn to embrace a healthy lifestyle--SparkPeople.com.

This site is truly unlike any other site. While yes there is Facebook and MySpace, most of us only allow those we previously know into our inner circle. But SparkPeople is not like that. It allows complete strangers to form bonds which are many times much more meaningful than ones we formulate in the real world. We are able to connect with those who have walked in similar shoes--others who have shared our frustrations as well as our victories. While many of us may never meet face to face, the bonds are there for a lifetime.

When I ran my first half-marathon in February 2008, before I even picked up the phone to tell my family how I did, I logged onto SparkPeople to share my race report with all my Spark friends. I knew that they would be there for me each and every step of the way and I was not disappointed. Before the end of the day, I had received more than my share of accolades which could honestly make an old lady’s heart swell with pride.

When I visit the many SparkTeams, I am awestruck to see how SparkPeople is like one big family. We have grandmothers and grandfathers, aunts and uncles, sisters and brothers, wives and husbands, daughters and sons, and though we do not share common blood, we share a bond that goes far deeper than blood and that is SparkPeople.

There is the sage advice from the repeat marathoner, to the grandmother who has raised her six kids and knows the ins and outs of child rearing. We have the young man who has lost well over one hundred pounds who offers hope to others on the journey, to the young lady who is just beginning her own journey and is looking for direction. And trust me, there is nothing more humbling then to visit a member’s SparkPage and read how they overcame the obstacles of gaining their health, therefore their life. After all, this is what this journey called life is all about, connecting and sharing with others.

I believe that the true blessing is that by helping others, we truly learn to help ourselves. SparkPeople allows us all the opportunity to do just that. Being a part of this site has allowed us to be a family by CHOICE and for that I count my blessings to be part of such a great community. And don’t think that your comments are for naught, I read each and every one. You all are teaching me more than you know!


I hope you will share your stories of how you developed a friendship(s) from joining SparkPeople. Have these individuals changed your life?

See more: family friendship