What Things Weigh: Measure Your Progress With Real-World Items

By , SparkPeople Blogger
"I need to lose a ton of weight!"
"I don't even know where to start."
"All that work and I've only lost three pounds?!"
If any of these sound familiar, you know how frustrating it can be when you have a lot of weight to lose—especially when the scale seems to be moving in slow motion. Instead of getting fixated on the number at your feet, try using visualization as another way to measure your progress. By comparing how much you've lost to actual, tangible items, suddenly those small steps forward will feel much larger.
We love the list that our member NUMD97 posted in her SparkPeople blog about what things weigh. Below, we've included many from her list, and thrown in a few others for good measure. Are any of these surprising to you?
Things That Weigh One Pound
  • A package of butter (with four sticks)
  • A football
  • A salami
  • A shoe
  • A package of bacon
  • A box of brown sugar
  • Three medium-sized bananas

Things That Weigh Two Pounds
  • A pineapple
  • A quart of water
  • A rack of baby back ribs

Things That Weigh Three Pounds
  • A steam iron
  • A box of wine
  • A can of Crisco shortening
  • A two-slice toaster

Things That Weigh Five Pounds
  • Mr. Coffee 12-cup coffee maker
  • A two-liter bottle of soda
  • A bag of sugar 

Things That Weigh 10 Pounds
  • A large bag of potatoes
  • A six-foot aluminum step ladder
Things That Weigh 15 Pounds
  • A 19-inch flat screen TV
  • 2,000 paintballs
  • Medium bag of dog food
  • 10 dozen large eggs
  • A bowling ball

Things That Weigh 20 Pounds
  • A car tire
  • A karaoke machine
Things That Weigh 25 Pounds
  • An average two-year old toddler
  • Three gallons of milk 

Things That Weigh More Than 25 Pounds

  • 30 pounds is equal to the amount of cheese an average American eats in a year
  • 33 pounds is equal to a cinder block
  • 36 pounds is equal to a mid-size microwave
  • 40 pounds equals a five-gallon bottle of water or an average human leg
  • 44 pounds equals an elephant's heart
  • 50 pounds equals a small bale of hay
  • 55 pounds equals a 5,000-BTU air conditioner
  • 66 pounds equals the fats and oils an average American eats in a year
  • 70 pounds equals an Irish Setter
  • 77 pounds equals a gold brick
  • 90 pounds equals a newborn calf
  • 100 pounds equals a two-month old horse
  • 111 pounds equals the red meat an average American eats in one year
  • 118 pounds equals the entire Encyclopedia Britannica
  • 120 pounds equals the amount of trash the average person throws away in a month
  • 130 pounds equals a newborn baby giraffe
  • 138 pounds equals the amount of potatoes an average American eats in a year
  • 140 pounds equals the amount of refined sugar an average American eats in a year
  • 150 pounds equals the complete Oxford English Dictionary
Which of these surprised you the most? If you have any other shocking weight comparisons, share them below in the comments!

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