Find a New Workout Buddy in the Community Feed

The power of community is strong in many ways, but when it comes to weight loss it's the secret weapon to success. According to a Northwestern University study, people who actively participated in online social communities lost more than eight percent of their body weight over the course of six months, versus just five percent in those who did not connect with others.

The Community Feed: the Best Place to Meet Someone New!

Lucky for you, the SparkPeople Community Feed has been out for awhile now and you—our members—are using it more and more every day. Some of you use it to show pictures of your progress, while others use it to give and get motivation, and some share photos, observations or memes that gave you a giggle.

Posted 4/13/2017  12:00:00 AM By:   : 52 comments   20,974 views

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How Many Steps in a Mile, Solved

There Are Two Ways to Figure Out How Many Steps Are in a Mile

Hi there. If you’re checking out this page, you’re probably looking for a way to figure out how many miles you need to walk to get in your 10,000 steps or 15,000 steps in a day. Sure, you could use one of those “how many steps in a mile calculators” you find online, but who knows how accurate those are? Wouldn’t you rather figure out how many steps you walk in a mile with a proven, mathematical formula, based on research?

We thought so. Plus you'll get the health benefits that come along with walking more!

Posted 4/11/2017  12:00:00 AM By:   : 158 comments   505,458 views

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A New Way to Earn SparkPoints, by Sharing Recipes You Love

Hey there, SparkPeople,

We have an exciting announcement for you about SparkPoints! Starting now, you can earn SparkPoints in a new way while helping us spread the word about your favorite recipes on SparkRecipes.

It's super easy! Each time your share one of our recipes to Facebook, Twitter or Pinterest, you’ll get three SparkPoints from us as a thank you. You can earn up to nine points per day, every day. 

Posted 1/31/2017  4:00:00 PM By:   : 3 comments   9,021 views

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SparkPeople Premium's Advanced Reporting: the Best Tool You're Not Using

Today is a good day. The sun is shining (from where I sit) and the holidays are fast approaching. It’s almost a perfect day, in fact, and there’s just one thing that could make this day any better: getting an introduction to the Advanced Reporting perks you get with SparkPeople Premium.

You and I both know that the term “reporting” isn’t one that causes many people to quake with excitement. When most people think of reporting, they think of spreadsheets full of rows of numbers in a teensy-tiny font. And that’s valid, because we’ve all seen reports like this and have tried to avoid them. Once you start thinking about how reporting can help you better reach your goals, though, the concept of advanced reporting gets significantly more exciting.

Posted 12/15/2016  12:00:00 AM By:   : 21 comments   24,679 views

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SparkPeople Mobile Gets Apple Watch Integration and Premium Data Export (for all)!

Today is one of the very best days, because today is a day upon which we released the newest version of our SparkPeople Mobile app for iOS. Let’s all cheer together!

All right. We could hear you all the way over here. :)

So what does this newest version means for you? Of course, as always, there are a few bug fixes that will help the app run more smoothly. But there are also two big changes that you should be aware of, one for all iOS users and the other that is only available for our Premium members.

Watch Me Now, Apple

SparkPeople Mobile is awesome at integrating with other fitness devices and platforms. Fitbit, Misfit, Runkeeper, Garmin and Google Fit: We integrate with all of these and more. But there’s always been one device we didn’t support, a device that many of you have asked about: the Apple Watch.

Posted 12/9/2016  4:00:00 PM By:   : 4 comments   15,915 views

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Android App Update: New Design, New Premium Features!

If you use the SparkPeople Mobile app on an Android device, you may have noticed things look a little different today. Cleaner and quicker. Easier on the eye. Just…better.

It’s true, we did make some changes to our app. (Good eye. ) Starting today, you can download the newest version of SparkPeople Mobile, which now conforms to the standards of Material Design.

What Is Material Design?

It’s a design language that Google developed a few years ago for all of its websites and apps. (If you use Gmail, YouTube or Google Maps, you might recognize some of the design elements that you now see in our app.) Google developed the design structure to make sure their apps looked good and were easy to use. After they rolled out the design to their own apps, they provided all Android app developers the specifications for their new language.

Posted 12/7/2016  3:00:00 PM By:   : 17 comments   16,807 views

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Get Free Workout Videos on Your Amazon Fire TV!

Hi, SparkPeople!
Get ready to get excited, because we just brought over 500 FREE fitness videos to your Amazon Fire device! We just released an app for Amazon devices that will allow you to stream the best videos SparkPeople.TV has to offer, from the comfort of your own home, on your TV.

If you don’t know what Amazon’s Fire TV or Fire TV Sticks are, allow us to explain: These little devices, made by, plug into your TV and let you stream videos and music from the internet. If you’re an Amazon Prime member, you get access to thousands of free movies and TV shows (if you aren’t a member, you should check it out), but even if you aren’t an Amazon Prime member, you get free access to our app!

Posted 11/11/2016  2:00:00 PM By:   : 14 comments   46,414 views

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Connect Apple Health to Your SparkPeople App and Automatically Track Your Fitness

iOS SparkPeople Mobile users, it’s time to dance on the rooftops and shout in the streets: Starting right now you can connect your app to Apple Health!

Since we launched Google Fit integration for our Android users a few months ago, one of the biggest requests we’ve received from our members on the Apple side was that we open the iOS version of our app to Apple Health; today we’re happy to bring that integration to you.

Posted 11/1/2016  1:00:00 PM By:   : 24 comments   32,652 views

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See the Nutritional Makeup of Every Meal with SparkPeople Mobile!

Hi there, SparkPeople!

We wanted to take a moment today to let you know that we’ve made an update to our SparkPeople Mobile app, and to give you the heads-up on what we changed so you can be in the know.

While we updated both apps recently, some of the changes we made apply to both Android and Apple versions of our app, while some of the changes we made were focused on Android only, in order to bring the functionality we already had in the Apple version to the Android version. To help you understand the differences, let’s start with the things that apply to both versions, shall we?

Posted 9/9/2016  10:00:00 AM By:   : 2 comments   21,940 views

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Our Healthy Recipes App Gets a Facelift and New Features!

Hello to all Healthy Recipe app users!

Starting today, if you’re on an Apple device, can use our totally redesigned Healthy Recipes app. This new design might be old hat for some of our Android users since they’ve had the design for about a month, but today iOS app users get it too. It’s our biggest redesign to our recipe app in years. Every change we made to the app was done to make it faster, easier to use and prettier to look at--and the many of the changes came from your suggestions. It’s a good day. :)

Let’s talk about the changes to the newest version of our Healthy Recipes app:

The biggest change you’ll notice right away is the look and feel of the app. Because the recipes are easier to read and nicer to look at, you can get a better idea about the recipes while browsing them. The images are bigger, and we show you the calories per serving and the time it will take to make the recipes, right there on the picture. This will save you time: If you’re only looking for recipes that you can make in 10 minutes or less, you won’t have to click into each recipe to see if it fits--you can just search for recipes that sound good and scan down the results until you find exactly what you want.

The second thing you’ll notice is how much faster the app is to use. It’s easier to get around the app and recipes load faster. Our team did a good deal of work on the back end of the app to speed up your experience and it shows. While you can’t see these changes, you’ll definitely notice them. :)

Finally, we did add something else many of you have been asking about for awhile: a shopping list. You can now add any recipe to your shopping list by clicking the red button at the bottom of the recipe and we’ll arrange all the ingredients for you in an easy-to-use list that you can take with you to the store. You’re going to love this--it’s one of our office’s favorite new features.

We also removed two items: Our conversion tools section and our “how-to” cooking videos. Most of our members didn’t use these parts of the app, so we decided to unclutter it a bit by getting rid of them. For those of you who want to see the videos, you can find them here:

We hope you love the newest version of our Healthy Recipes app as much as we do! And if you haven’t downloaded the app yet, you can find it here.

Posted 8/25/2016  1:00:00 PM By:   : 3 comments   15,436 views

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Say 'Hello' to SparkPeople Premium: Remove Ads, Email Coaches, Get Advanced Reporting and Help Us in Our Mission to Help You

When you visit the Start page today--or log into our app--you may notice something different. If you haven’t done it yet, go ahead and give them a look; we won’t go anywhere.:)
Today, we launched of our newest tool to help you reach your goals: SparkPeople Premium. SparkPeople Premium is an optional, paid upgrade to your SparkPeople account that will give you enhanced tools and support in addition to those you already get for free now.

Posted 8/2/2016  11:00:00 AM By:   : 135 comments   54,333 views

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5 Christmas Drinks From Around the World That You'll Love

Let me start out by saying, I love Christmas. I know some people don't, and I get it, but Christmas has always been a magical time of year for me. My family is a musical one, so in the month leading up to the holiday our house would be filled with the sounds of singing, of someone playing the guitar or piano or the dulcet tones of the Bing Crosby Christmas album.

Posted 12/21/2015  12:00:00 AM By:   : 7 comments   24,820 views

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Copy Meals and Exercises with SparkPeople Mobile's New Update!

Hi, SparkPeople Members!

As of this very moment, you can get the newest version of our SparkPeople Mobile app. Seriously. Right now. Go get it, we’ll wait.

Now that you have the newest version of the app, let’s break down the three big changes you’ll see:

Copy exercises from one day to another. This feature has been near the top of our most requested list over the past few months, and now you can do it with a tap of your finger. Just pop open the fitness tracking screen, scroll down to the exercise you want to copy and tap the “Copy Exercises” button. A small dialog box will pop up, allowing you to pick the date you want to copy the exercise to. This one should save you a ton of time.

Copy meals to different meals. In the previous version of the app, you could copy your breakfast from one day to another--great for people who tend to eat the same thing every day. You could not, however, copy something you had for dinner one day to lunch the following day--not so great for people who pack their leftovers. Now you can! Simply click the “Copy Foods” button on the Food Log screen and you’ll see the different meal options in the dialog box that pops up.

New Recipes tab on food search. This new feature, which allows you to track recipes you favorite in our Healthy Recipes app, has to be our favorite. In the past, if you found a recipe you loved in our Healthy Recipes app and favorited it, you had to manually enter the nutritional information for that meal in SparkPeople Mobile in order to track the meal with our food tracker. Now, if you favorite a recipe in our Healthy Recipes app, it will show up under the Favorites tab on your Food Log screen. You can track the recipe with a single tap of your finger, saving you loads of time!

We would love to hear what you think about the new version of the SparkPeople Mobile app. Some of our best features have come from suggestions from our members, so we’re all ears. If you have an idea, please share it with us in the Comments section below. If you love the app, please spare us a moment and give us a great rating in the app store. Positive ratings are one of the easiest ways you can help us help more people like you.

If you don’t have the app yet, download it by clicking on one of the links below.   

Download SparkPeople for Android

    Download SparkPeople for iOS


Posted 12/17/2015  1:00:00 PM By:   : 13 comments   27,478 views

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SparkPeople Mobile Update: Allow Us to Help You Help Yourself

Hi, SparkPeople members!

We released a new version of the SparkPeople Mobile app today, and the new version makes it even easier to track your food, fitness and reach your goals wherever you go! There are a few new features we thought you should know about, so here’s a quick rundown of two big features we brought to the app. Quick Update on 10/13/15: As of today this new version is available on both iOS and Android platforms!

But first, if you haven’t downloaded the SparkPeople Mobile app, go ahead and give it a spin:

Download SparkPeople for Android

Download SparkPeople for iOS

The biggest change in this version is that we’ve added smart notifications to help you track your meals more easily. A few months ago, we ran a poll and one of the most requested improvements was a feature to help you remember to track food on a regular basis. We understand life gets busy sometimes, and even we forget to track now and then.

In response, our team added a new tool, which allows you to set reminders to track meals if you haven’t tracked them by a specified time. You can set the time, you can set the frequency--all these notifications are up to you. If you don’t want the notifications, you never have to turn them on, but they will always be there when you need them. The screen you'll see when you get the new version will look a little something like this:

Another addition we made to this version are the “Community Notifications.” You can program the app to notify you any time another member comments on one of your mobile chats, your blog posts or on your SparkPage. This is a great way to make sure you don’t fall behind in a conversation that you care about. And best of all, just like the meal reminder notifications, the community reminder notifications are entirely up to you--you choose whether you want to get the notifications or not!

The first time you open the app after you receive the new update, you will be prompted to try out the new notifications. On the iPhone, you'll get a message from Apple, prompting you to let us send you notifications. (It'll look like the image below.) Click the OK button and you'll be good to go!

We hope you like these new changes and that they make it easier for you to reach your healthy living goals. If you have any other ideas that would help make the app better, we want to know! Leave your thoughts, comments or concerns in the Comments section below.


Spark Cheers!


Posted 11/10/2015  4:00:00 PM By:   : 11 comments   16,009 views

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