SparkPeople Slideshows

Quiz: What's Your Exercise Personality?

What's Your Exercise Personality?

Written by Jennipher Walters, Certified Personal Trainer

It's hard to categorize any one person, but when it comes to exercise, there are some defining personality traits that could affect your workouts and your ability to stick to a routine.

Take our short quiz (write down your answer for each of the eight questions) to see what type of exerciser you are--and how you can use your fitness personality to your advantage!
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I like my workouts to take place:

A) In my home, or wherever and whenever I can get them in

B) In a high-energy atmosphere with other exercisers

C) In a calm, relaxing environment

D) Wherever suits my mood that particular day

E) On the field or court

F) Wherever I can best challenge myself