SparkPeople Slideshows

7 Healthy and Hydrating Foods

7 Healthy and Hydrating Foods

Written by Melinda Hershey, Staff Writer

If you're trying to live a healthy lifestyle, you've probably heard that it's important to drink water. Staying hydrated combats fatigue, flushes out toxins, and can even help you lose weight by enhancing fullness levels (plus, we often mistake thirst signals for hunger signals).

But you don't have to just drink your water--you can eat it, too! There are plenty of nutritious foods that contain a high water content to keep your body functioning at its best. As a bonus, foods that have more water usually have fewer calories than foods that contain less water. Here are seven foods you should munch on to add a little extra H2O to your day.
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Believe it or not, your green childhood nemesis is made of 91% water! Broccoli contains 20 calories per cup and is a great source of fiber, calcium and vitamin C.

Eat your water: Try this healthy Chinese takeout recipe. It's packed with hydrating broccoli and protein-rich beef!