Dining Out Guide
Member Healthy Find

PF Chang's Buddha Feast (1 meal)

Thumbs Up Count - 6

Submitted by WIMBERLYT
*member-submitted food; nutrition info not verified

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Member Comments

TINYFRIEND615 3/15/2011 5:20:50 PM
You can get this with or without tofu. I substituted shrimp (not fried) for the tofu to get in some protein. I wish it had been a bit more shrimp, but it was still good. I did stir fry it instead of steam just for some more flavor, BUT I got the sauce on the side and only drizzled a bit, so that cut way down on the sodium. I also had it with brown rice. I was pleased with all the vegetables. It was a good dish! I would get it again.
CD6481690 7/8/2010 9:45:00 PM
This is an awesome dish...but be sure to get it steamed, NOT stir fried ;)
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