Dining Out Guide
Member Healthy Find

Starbucks Caffe Mocha w/non-fat milk, no whipped cream

Thumbs Up Count - 5

Submitted by TONKA14
*member-submitted food; nutrition info not verified

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Member Comments

SHARBEAR100 1/17/2011 2:52:59 PM
The normal amount of chocolate/mocha mix in this drink is 4 pumps. I get it with 2 pumps to reduce the calories, and I prefer the taste!
AHEALTHIERJESS 7/29/2009 11:26:25 PM
I'm a huge Starbucks fan but I know all the frappuccino's and what not are so high in calories. I get this whenever I go there (maybe once a week). I hate using calories on beverages, but it's a good alternative to some of their other drinks.
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