10 Ways to Use Roasted (or Sun-Dried) Tomatoes

By , SparkPeople Blogger
It sure has been a hot summer here in Kentucky.  Earlier today I went out for my run and wished I had gotten up at 4:00 a.m. instead of 5:30.  While passing a group of walkers I commented that it was like running in a bowl of soup.... and not chilled gazpacho!  A mile down the road I thought to myself that it could be worse and to make the best of the hot weather.  "My gosh," I thought. "Look what Mother Nature is giving us in our gardens.  Tomatoes are in full season due to the hot dry weather." (Check out those beauties from the garden and the farmers market, all ready to be roasted--if they don't get eaten before then!)
The moral of the story is that when life hands you a bushel of tomatoes, make something with them.  Give Chef Meg's Oven Roasted Tomatoes recipe a try to extend the season of your harvest.  Roasting tomatoes intensifies the flavor of the tomato, and it's an easy way to store them for winter. 
Oven-roasted tomatoes are a great basic to always have on hand! Instead of spending money on expensive, oil-packed sun-dried tomatoes, make your own.

Make large batches when tomatoes are in season, then freeze them for use during winter. Serve them in a sauce over whole wheat pasta, on a sandwich or in a green salad.

So what can you do with those roasted tomatoes? Use them anyplace you would use sun-dried tomatoes or…  
  1. Mix with dried apricots and dried cherries for a summer coulis.  Spoon it over pork, chicken, or brown rice for a sweet-sour taste blend.
  1. Mix with fresh mozzarella, balsamic vinegar, and shredded basil for a cool summer appetizer.
  1. Puree with assorted hot and sweet peppers and cool cucumbers for a flavorful gazpacho.
  1. Toss with chopped roasted eggplant, creamy goat cheese and fresh herbs, then serve over whole-wheat pasta.
  1. Pair with peppery arugula atop a whole-wheat pizza crust (take help from the store and buy the dough for a quick meal).
  1. Toss with sliced fennel, cucumbers, and dill for a crunchy side dish.
  1. Spoon over scrambled eggs or fold inside your next omelet.
  1. Puree and add to soups and stews.
  1. My favorite: Fold into cheese grits then top with grilled shrimp--yum! (Recipe coming soon!)
  2. Try them in this recipe: Baked Chicken with Garlic and Sun Dried Tomatoes (Chef Meg's Makeover)
What is your favorite way to use roasted or sun-dried tomatoes?
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