5K Your Way With 3 Training Plans for Every Level

By , SparkPeople Blogger
Spring is just around the corner, a time when 5K races are a popular weekend activity. Perhaps you’ve thought it might be fun to try one, but fear you’d never be able to finish. Maybe you’ve walked a 5K in the past, but you’re ready to take things up a notch. Whatever you goal or experience level, we have the perfect training plan for you!
SparkPeople developed three unique “5K Your Way” training plans to get you ready to complete a 5K race in less than five weeks. Join a challenge and you'll get daily workouts and tips on how to stay motivated, what to wear for your workouts, how to cross-train properly and more!

The 5K Your Way Walking Challenge
Make fitness fun again with this challenge, which trains you to walk a 5K in less than five short weeks. Follow the daily workout plans to get your body and mind ready to celebrate at the finish line.
The 5K Your Way Walk/Jog Challenge
Up the ante with this walk/jog program that will challenge your body to reach new heights. If you’re ready to add jogging to your walking workouts, this program is for you!

The 5K Your Way Running Challenge
Is your inner runner calling your name? Kick your workouts up a notch with this fun program that ends with you running a 5K in just five weeks' time.
What can I expect from these challenges?
  • Daily Workouts & Tips Each day, you’ll get a daily workout to complete. These workouts will help you train for your 5K race so that you’re prepared when race day arrives. You’ll also get daily tips to help you stay motivated, healthy and strong along the way.
  • SparkPoints You can earn between 15-20 SparkPoints for each daily challenge you complete. Just visit the challenge page and click the "I Did This!'' button to tell us that you completed that day’s task. It's that easy!
  • Member Support You’ll be checking in on the Challenge Wall daily to give updates on your progress and get support from other challenge participants. Each challenge also has a dedicated SparkTeam where you can discuss your goals, what’s going well and what’s not. Sometimes a little support is all you need to succeed!
Sounds great! How do I sign up?
Go to Challenge Central on SparkPeople.com to access these and all of our other challenges. After signing up, you will receive one email per day for the next 33 days with a reminder to complete your daily workout and get your SparkPoints. 

When does the challenge start?
RIGHT NOW. The challenge is open, and you can start or join at any time. The sooner you start, the sooner you will be on the path to crossing the finish line at the 5K you’ve always wanted to complete!

These plans will take you step-by-step through the 5K training process. Learn how to train properly while having fun and meeting new friends at the same time. Are you ready? Let’s go!

Have you trained for a 5K before? What was the experience like? Share in the comments below!