An Easy Step to Reach Big Breakthroughs

By , SparkPeople Blogger
Editor's Note: This blog is part of our "Hello from SparkGuy" series--a weekly post where SparkGuy himself stops by to motivate, inspire and share a bit about what's going on at SparkPeople. 

Hello, SparkPeople Members!

The crisp autumn weather is here (at least where I am in California). I hope everyone had a great week, taking one positive step at a time to reach your goals. As a warning, I'm about to brag about one of my kids, but hopefully you'll agree it's for a good reason :). I love sharing growth they experience with you.

Motivation in a Minute

This quick story about one of my boys demonstrates how taking small steps one at a time can lead to fun breakthroughs in life. 

My two boys play on the same soccer team this season. This is the first year of playing for my youngest son. As background, both of my boys have some level of the anxiety I had as a kid. But we're using a version of the SparkPeople program to help them break out of this sooner than I did (hooray!).

The morning of the first soccer game of the season, my youngest son woke up and said, "Daddy, I'm scared for the game today." I replied, "It's good to be a little nervous because it will help you stay focused, and you are ready for this!"

The morning of the second game of the season, he woke up and said, "Daddy, I'm scared for the game today." I smiled and said, "You did great your first game. You are ready for this."

The same morning routine happened for the third game. BUT, after much practice and years of working on his fitness program, he scored the team's only two goals that game. This was a huge breakthrough moment, and he realized that he is good at soccer.

The morning of the fourth game, he woke up and confidently said (I promise I'm not making this up), "I'm ready to win today."

This shows the power of continuing to take small steps one at a time. If you are taking the right steps most of the time (even if you have setbacks, which as we've discussed, is a healthy part of the process of reaching goals), then the odds are high that eventually you will hit a breakthrough point and reach goals you may have never thought possible.

Keep taking positive steps and a breakthrough might be closer than you realize.

Are you ready to win today?!

Weekly Check-In

If you aren't ready to check in publicly, another option is to do this just for yourself (or find a check-in buddy!) when you receive this email from me each week. If you would like to join me on the site, just click to this blog and share any small steps you took to reach your goals the prior week, OR a goal you have for the upcoming week. Check-in here.

That's all for this week. I'll see you next week, or as always, you can find me on SparkPeople or on our Facebook page -- I post to each just about every day.



Chris (SparkGuy)