The Only Pilates Primer You Need to Read

By , SparkPeople Blogger
Maybe you think Pilates is just a fancy name for stretching. Perhaps you're terrified of all those positions and contraptions. Either way, there's more to this effective exercise than meets the eye. Whether you're using a mat or a machine, Pilates helps to improve your strength, flexibility, balance and posture.

You don't have to be super fit -- or even even halfway fit -- to discover the power of Pilates. Whether you're a runner seeking a cross-training activity, a new exerciser looking for a low-impact workout or a busy person in need of a mindful, stress-reducing practice, there's a place in the studio for you.

Before embarking on your first Pilates class, check out our cheat sheet. Learn it, print the graphic and pass it on to anyone else who's ready to break onto the Pilates scene.

Print this graphic to have a quick reference on hand before your first Pilates class.