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Boost Your Metabolism the Natural Way

By , SparkPeople Blogger
Need another reason to get fit? New research shows that endurance-trained athletes have a higher resting metabolism than those who don't exercise. This suggests that they burn energy faster than sedentary people even without exercising--and the different is pretty significant. So while your fit friend is sitting on the couch watching TV, she's likely burning a lot more calories than you (the non-exerciser) are.

This study specifically looked at runners and found that not only does exercise appear to increase metabolism for a few a hours after exercising, but that it also changes the way that muscles convert fat. Surprisingly, study participants burned 54% more calories at rest versus those who lived a sedentary lifestyle.

Now you might be wondering "I exercise, but I'll probably never become an endurance athlete. Does that mean I won't benefit from a metabolism boost?" Previous research has shown that even moderate amounts of activity have a positive effect on your metabolism (and it's great for your health). So remember that some is always better than none!

In this study, endurance athletes were defined as men running four or more hours per week. So it doesn't mean that you have to run 10 miles a day to see these kinds of results. But maybe it's worth throwing in an extra run each week to really get your metabolism going.

The findings of this study aren't earth-shattering, but they do reinforce the significant effects that exercise can have on your body. Whether you're trying to lose weight or just maintain a healthy lifestyle, exercise will play a key role. So why not lace up your shoes and get going!

What do you think?

See more: fitness news running