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Coach Nicole Spreads the Spark on FOX!

By , SparkPeople Blogger
We're all strapped for cash these days, but that doesn't mean we need to let our health go by the wayside. This morning, I appeared LIVE on local (Cincinnati) FOX 19 to explain how to workout at home without spending a lot of money. I mentioned SparkPeople's free fitness resources, our Fitness Starter Kit (available for less than $25 at, and even our 7-day Bootcamp workout plan! Plus, my co-worker Jenny was on hand to demonstrate a few exercises using a ball and a resistance band.

Want to see the 3-minute segment for yourself?

Please click here to see the video on the FOX 19 Website.

While I've been on the live local news a few times since I started working at SparkPeople, it never gets any easier! I get so nervous that I feel sick to my stomach each time I think about it. I have trouble sleeping the night before; and I have to wake up earlier than normal after a night of restless tossing and turning.

This morning, I took a few deep breaths to calm down. I visualized myself doing well, and I even repeated positive affirmations (in my head) before I went on. It may seem silly, but saying, "I'm confident. I'm capable. I know what I'm talking about. There's nothing to be nervous about," really helped me get through it. Despite being scared on the inside, I made it through my 3-minute segment just as I had visualized it happening.

Like many scary, risky, or difficult things we all encounter in our lives, the experience was also a great opportunity—not just professionally, but as a way to Spread the Spark to others who need it. I'm glad I did it.

What would your life be like if you never stretched yourself, or if you avoided every uncomfortable situation? When was the last time you did something scary-but-worthwhile (like visit the doctor, train for a race, or ask for a raise)?