How Bob Dropped 66 Pounds--and His Blood Pressure!*

By , SparkPeople Blogger
Meet Bob (username PLEINRC), a SparkPeople member who has lost nearly 70 pounds! Find out what makes him tick and how he got to where he is today.

What is your age? 49

How long have you been a SparkPeople member? How did you find SparkPeople?  I have been a member since January 2011. SparkPeople was recommended to me by a friend who is also a member.

What is your favorite feature on SparkPeople? There are a lot of great features.  I use the Nutrition Tracker the most, and the Fitness Tracker is another favorite. I like SparkPoints, too—they help keep me motivated.

How much weight have you lost?   I've lost 66 pounds. 

How long did it take to lose the weight? It took 9 months to lose the weight gradually. The benefits are incredible. I'm enjoying having more energy, lower blood pressure, and better health overall.

What was your light bulb moment that made you decide to lose weight?  I work for a large corporation with a full time health coach. In January 2011, she promoted a 12-week health challenge.  I signed up to lose 20 pounds. Shortly afterward, I discovered SparkPeople and began to read the articles and learn about proper nutrition.  On SparkPeople, I saw how people had transformed their lives and decided to do the same.

What was your biggest obstacle while trying to lose weight?  The first two weeks were the hardest for me.  I tried to eat the same types of foods, but just cut back on the quantity.  I found that I was hungry most of the time, but I adjusted.

What does your weekly exercise schedule look like?   My weekly goal is six days or 300 minutes.  I do activities outside and in the gym. Some of my favorites are the elliptical, running, stationary bike, yard work, or walking.

What is your favorite way to exercise?  Any type of cardio.  It burns the calories.

Do you have any personal fitness goals coming up? Nothing in particular, but I would like to continue to strive for a faster 5K time.

What does a typical day of food look like for you? How does this compare to the way you ate before your transformation?  A typical day starts with eating a good breakfast, which was something I rarely did before.  My breakfast consists of about 700 calories and usually includes Greek yogurt, cereal, and grapefruit.  During the workweek, I have a chicken wrap, vegetables, a cheese stick, and fruit for lunch. I plan a snack for the evening, and dinner is filled in with whatever my wife makes.  Many of the dinners we eat have come from SparkRecipes.
What is your favorite healthy food? Fruit. There are so many great choices.

What is your favorite treat food? Low-fat frozen yogurt with fresh or frozen strawberries.

Who is your biggest inspiration? My health coach at work.  She provided lots of encouragement throughout the process.

*Weight loss results will vary from person to person. No individual result should be seen as a typical result of following the SparkPeople program.
How has Bob inspired you? What have you done today to get one step closer to your own goals?