How to Pack Lunch in 5 Minutes, Plus Healthy Recipes

By , SparkPeople Blogger
Hey, dailySpark readers! My name is Anne and I write a food and fitness blog called fANNEtasticfood.

I started my blog last year as a way to inspire others to lead healthier lives through nutrition and exercise. I post recipes, health tips, training plans, exercise moves, and more! Most recently, I’ve started a series on my blog featuring 5-minute packable lunch and snack ideas for the office. It really doesn’t have to be time consuming or complicated to eat healthy on the go!

Some teasers:

My readers are also following along with me in my adventure to head back to school! After working in offices for 5 years after college, I have finally taken the plunge to follow my dreams and go back to school to become a Registered Dietitian (RD). I am currently finishing prerequisites and will be moving from Washington D.C. to UNC Chapel Hill in August to pursue a Master's of Public Health in Nutrition! I’m so happy to finally be working toward a career that I think will be fulfilling – not just for myself, but also for others.

I’m really excited to be partnering with SparkPeople and sharing some of my favorite recipes on their SparkRecipes site! So far, I have posted the following recipes:

Hummus Guacamole

Cinnamon Raisin Almond Balls

Healthy Whole Wheat Pumpkin Raisin Muffins

Curried Carrot Soup

Pumpkin Bean Dip

Healthy Deviled Eggs

They are all healthy, easy, and very delicious! I hope you’ll come check out my blog for more recipes, health and exercise tips, and fun, and follow along in my adventures as I work toward becoming an RD!

For more great recipes, check out Anne's blog:

Editor's Note: If you're a healthy cooking blogger who wants to share your recipes on SparkRecipes, email editor (at) dailySpark (dot) com.

What is your favorite five-minute lunch?