VIDEO: Coach Nicole Answers Fitness Questions on Google+

By , SparkPeople Blogger
UPDATE 8/13/13 5:00 p.m.: The live online hangout we first announced is now complete but you can access the video anytime by clicking the link above. We have also embedded a recorded video of this event in the blog post below. Questions discussed and answered by Coach Nicole and the panel of fitness experts included:

- Is Crossfit safe for the average person?
- What should you eat before a long run or race?
- Is water the best way to hydrate during a workout?
- What is best for weight loss: intermittent fasting or eating more frequent meals?
- Is long endurance exercise better for weight loss than shorter, high intensity exercise?
- Why is cross-training important and how should I do it?
- And so much more!

SparkPeople is excited to have collaborated with some of the top names in healthy living via a new initiative led by Fit Approach. Living+ is a new healthy living forum on Google+ for anyone striving to better their lives.

Coach Nicole was on a panel of fitness experts in a live online hangout answering submitted questions from the audience.

Click here to watch the recorded video of the event or watch the embedded YouTube video below.