How the (Girl Scout) Cookies Crumble

By , SparkPeople Blogger
In January, charming little girls came to your door to ask if you would support them and purchase some cookies. Their poise and confident sales approach won you over. Your idea was to give the cookies away or hide them in the freezer when they arrived. Now that the cookies have been delivered, it isn't as easy as you thought it would be. On top of that, the energetic girls are at tables all over the city offering additional opportunities to purchase cookies to show your support. (Check out our slide show of the best and worst Girl Scout Cookies.)
Annual cookie sales provide Girl Scouts with a wonderful opportunity to learn sales and marketing skills. The better the girl's skills, the more cookies we typically purchase which can really derail our weight loss goals. Since no foods are off limits in a healthy lifestyle, mastering Girl Scout cookie portion control will be your key to successfully staying on track during this time of year.

Here are the best Girl Scout cookie choices and the recommended serving size.

Trefoils (5-cookie serving) or Shortbread Cookies (4-cookie serving)
Calories – 160 (Shortbread – 120)
Fat – 8 grams (Shortbread – 4.5 grams)
Sodium – 115 mg (Shortbread – 105 mg)
Carbohydrate – 22 grams (Shortbread – 19 grams)
Protein – 2 grams (Shortbread – 1 gram)
Savannah Smiles (5-cookieserving)
Calories – 140
Fat – 5 grams
Sodium – 125 mg
Carbohydrate – 23 grams
Protein – 1 gram
Shout Outs! (4-cookie serving)
Calories – 130
Fat – 5 grams
Sodium – 130 mg
Carbohydrate – 18 grams
Protein – 2 grams
Dulce de Leche (4-cookie serving)
Calories – 160
Fat – 8 grams
Sodium – 70 mg
Carbohydrate – 20 grams
Protein – 1 gram
Thin Mints (4-cookie serving)
Calories – 160
Fat – 8 grams
Sodium – 120 mg
Carbohydrate – 22 grams
Protein – 1 gram
Here are the cookie choices that you will want to pay close attention to serving sizes when enjoying.

Lemonades (2-cookie serving)
Calories – 150
Fat – 7 grams
Sodium – 80 mg
Carbohydrate – 22 grams
Protein – 1 gram
Thanks-A-Lot (2-cookie serving)
Calories – 150
Fat – 6 grams
Sodium – 110 mg
Carbohydrate – 22 grams
Protein – 2 grams
Peanut Butter Sandwich (3-cookie serving) or Do-Si-Dos (2-cookie serving)
Calories – 160 (Do-Si-Dos – 110)
Fat – 6 grams (Do-Si-Dos – 5 grams)
Sodium – 135 mg (Do-Si-Dos – 70 mg)
Carbohydrate – 26 grams (Do-Si-Dos – 16 grams)
Protein – 2 grams (Do-Si-Dos – 2 grams)
Samoas or Caramel deLites (2-cookie serving)
Calories – 140
Fat – 7 grams
Sodium – 55 grams (Caramel deLites – 85 mg)
Carbohydrate – 19 grams
Protein – 1 gram
Tagalongs or Peanut Butter Patties (2-cookie serving)
Calories – 140 (Peanut Butter Patties – 130)
Fat – 9 grams (Peanut Butter Patties – 8 grams)
Sodium – 95 mg (Peanut Butter Patties – 110 mg)
Carbohydrate – 13 grams
Protein – 2 grams (Peanut Butter Patties – 1 gram)
Thank U Berry Munch (2-cookie serving)
Calories – 120
Fat – 5 grams
Sodium – 75 mg
Carbohydrate – 18 grams
Protein – 1 gram

Which Girl Scout cookie is your favorite? Are you able to follow recommended serving sizes when enjoying them?