Learn to Love Exercise

By , SparkPeople Blogger

Not everyone enjoys exercising, but it doesn't have to be that way. You CAN learn to love exercise! I know some of you may be thinking to yourself that I'm crazy and that there is no way that you will ever learn to love exercise, but it really can happen.

For anyone who knew me before joining SparkPeople and going on my journey to better health, they probably would have told you that I didn't like exercise. Back then they would have been right, but I have changed that mindset. Now I honestly can say that I enjoy exercising. But how did I change my dislike for exercise? Well, what worked for me was trying various exercises and activities until I found what I liked to do. If you find something that you enjoy doing, or at least that you don't mind doing, then you are more likely to start to enjoy exercise and look forward to it. Any time I hear anyone say that they don't like to exercise, I always recommend they try a new exercise or activity. That usually helps them enjoy working out and sometimes even love exercising.

I like to do a variety of exercises and physical activities to help keep me interested and continue my enjoyment of exercise. So that is something else to keep in mind if you don't like exercise. If you are doing something that you don't like doing and you don't add in a variety of other exercises, then not only are you going to be less likely to do it, but you will likely be very bored. With my somewhat recent addition of fitness classes at the gym, I am definitely not bored and I am always looking forward to going to all of my classes. So you can say that I have learned to love exercise. But don't just take my word for it, you can find out how other members just like you learned to love exercise too!

Below is a collection of resources with a variety of other ideas that you may find helpful in helping you to learn to love exercise.

Quiz: What's Your Exercise Personality?

Ways to Make Fitness Fun

Keep Exercise Fun and Adventurous

Learn to Love Going to the Gym

Are You in a Cardio Rut? Break Free!

Throw a Fitness Party!

Discover Your Inner Athlete in an Adult Sports League

Dancing Like the Stars!

Add Adventure to Your Walks with Geocaching

Over 110 Cardio Workout Ideas

8 Workouts You'll Love if You Hate to Sweat

The 100 Best Workout Songs from the '80s

Various Workout Songs from Coach Nicole's Favorites Lists

You can also join any of our ongoing Bootcamp Challenge SparkTeams or the Staying Fit = Having Fun SparkTeam to try something new and challenging, while also having fun!

Whatever you do, do your best to get out there and have fun with your workouts! It doesn't have to be something that you dread. If that is how you feel now, then switch it up and try something new to find the joy in your workouts.


Do you love exercise? If so, have you always loved exercise or is that a new found love for you? If not, are you going to try some new exercises or some of the tips in the resources listed above to help you love exercise?