My Bill of Rights to Healthy Living

By , SparkPeople Blogger
We have all learned many important lessons on this journey. One of the most important lessons I have learned during my 53-month journey is finally letting go of the constraints of things I cannot control. Therefore, today I am re-declaring my independence from dieting. Hopefully, this endeavor will allow me the freedom to take life by the horns and to continue to move onto greener pastures.

Photo of the 2007 Bar Harbor, Maine Independence Day Parade

Nancy's “Bill of Rights to Healthy SparkLiving”

  • Thou shall release thyself from thy scale. Thou cannot and should not allow a machine to measure thy self-worth and value.

  • Thou shalt accept the obstacles that are inevitable on this journey we call life.

  • Thou shalt accept help and guidance from others more knowledgeable and experienced than thyself.

  • Thou shalt never give up learning. Education is essential in order for us to change and grow. Don’t ever stop learning and don’t acquiesce to accepting anything as fact. Learn for yourself.

  • Thou shalt not allow one off-track day to undo all the positives we have made in our lives. That one extra hot dog, the All-American food, is not going to undo all your hard work to date.

  • Thou shalt accept the challenges in life in order to grow.

  • Thou shalt never take for granted the health one has now.

  • Thou shalt never underestimate the power of small changes.

  • Thou shalt appreciate the freedom to live a life of joy and happiness, not one based on the size we wear or the number on the scale.

  • Thou shalt thank SparkPeople for totally transforming my life.

I wish you all a very HAPPY and safe holiday. We are all blessed to be given such a great opportunity to share this journey with others from around the country and the world.


What would you add to the “Bill of Rights to Healthy SparkLiving”?