Premium Workouts: Get Fit the Easy Way

By , A real-life, animated workout gif!
Sometimes you wake up in the morning and you think to yourself, "Today is going to be a good day." And on some of those days (most if you're lucky), you're right and the day is fabulous. If you had that thought this morning, you nailed it! Because today we just so happened to release a new way to help our Premium members get fit: guided workouts that you can do wherever you go! We know you have questions, so I took a stab at answering some of the ones I think you're likely to ask:

What Are Premium Workouts?

Our new workouts are a series of exercises put together by our coaches that help you focus on your particular fitness goals. Our coaches met to discuss the best exercises you can do to target specific parts of your body. After a few conversations, they broke the workouts into four categories: Sculpt and Strengthen, Calorie Torching Cardio, Minimize the Impact and the Total Body Challenge. You can browse through a number of workouts from any of these categories to get the results you're looking for.

How Are Premium Workouts Different Than Other SparkPeople Workouts?

They make things so much easier. Seriously, we built these workouts to save you time. Not only did we organize the collection of different exercises in a thoughtful way, but we also created a new tool that makes these workouts easier to do! Once you pick your workout for the day, you will see a screen like this that will help you get started:

From here, you can set how long you'd like to workout (either 10, 20 or 30 minutes), see a list of all the exercises the workout will take you through and choose whether or not you'd like voice prompts to help you through the series of exercises. (Tip: If you don't want the prompts, you can choose to listen to music instead, simply by clicking on the musical note button.)

Once you have your workout just the way you want it, click on the "Start Workout" button and get going. Our tool will guide you through the series of exercises, with an animated GIF of each exercise that shows you the right movement and the proper form. A countdown timer will show you how long you should do that particular exercise before moving on to the next one. If you have voice prompts enabled, you will get audio guidance from our coaches about proper form for the exercise, or modifications you can do if you need them.

If you have voice prompts turned off (or you need a little break), hit the pause button to see notes from our coaches on how to do the exercises the right way. When you're ready to start again, hit the resume button and get back to it!

These Workouts Sound Great! Is There Anything Else We Need to Know?

Just the best part. When you complete a Coach-Created Workout in our new tool, it’s automatically tracked to your fitness log! That's right, the calories you burn working out will be tracked without you tapping another button. I don't know how that makes you feel, but it makes me feel like this:

This new feature is rolling out to all Premium members today. App users, you may need to download the latest version of our app. Desktop users, you should be able to see them now by clicking here. Give them a try and tell us what you think--we’ve been working on building this tool for quite a while now and we hope you love it.

Don't have Premium, but want to see what these Coach-Created Workouts are all about? Sign up for a FREE, two-week free trial of Premium by clicking on the button below.