Trim Thanksgiving: Mashed Potatoes

By , SparkPeople Blogger
This is part of a series of blog posts about how to slim down your Thanksgiving side dishes and treats. For more information about healthier Thanksgiving cooking, read this article.

For most people, Thanksgiving Day isn't Thanksgiving without turkey. In my house, the turkey is important, yes, but the mashed potatoes are our side dish of choice. Forget the spuds, and you might as well put Turkey Day on hold.

Those starchy, delicious potatoes are not exactly healthy:
Serving size=1 cup (about the size of a softball)
220 calories 8 g fat
But, you can easily slim them down without sacrificing texture or flavor.

  • Use a potato masher or a ricer for fluffier potatoes.
  • Go easy on the butter, and nix the cream and whole milk. Try these lower-calorie flavor additions instead:
  • Heat skim milk with some herbs and add just enough to thin the potatoes. Snip chives into the potatoes before serving.
  • Use low-fat sour cream, cream cheese or even plain yogurt for added creaminess. (My mom adds roasted garlic and low-fat cream cheese. It's delicious!)
  • Add chicken or vegetable broth or strained pan juices from the turkey to punch up your spuds.
  • Salt sparingly, and only add salt at the end.
  • Boil your potatoes whole to retain more potassium.
  • Mash them in their skins (opt for organic taters if you choose this cooking method) to boost the nutritional content and add some fiber.

These spuds weigh in at fewer than 100 calories a serving!

Our friends at Chow have plenty of tips on perfecting mashed potatoes, too.

How do you make your mashed potatoes? What kind do you use?