All Entries For family

What is Your Most Life Changing Experience?

Many of us have experienced things that totally change how we see ourselves or other people. Perhaps your experience could be award winning.
Posted 12/2/2010  5:55:57 AM By:   : 38 comments   24,519 views
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The Value of Holiday Traditions

Do you look forward to the holidays or do you dread them? Learn why old and new traditions can help you look forward to the holidays.
Posted 11/22/2010  6:01:45 AM By:   : 37 comments   20,112 views
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Eating Peanuts While Pregnant: Bad Idea?

Some docs say pregnant women shouldn’t eat peanut butter, and others say it’s fine. A new study shows that eating it might increase a baby’s risk of developing a peanut allergy.
Posted 11/12/2010  2:00:00 PM By:   : 61 comments   40,909 views
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Using Farmers Markets to Tackle Childhood Obesity

A unique program in Massachusetts is using farmers markets to expose low-income children to new fruits and vegetables in an effort to combat childhood obesity.
Posted 8/24/2010  12:00:00 AM By:   : 64 comments   28,520 views
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Is My Child Destined to be a Worry-Wart Like Me?

My daughter is becoming a worrier like me. For a long time I’ve thought that it was in her genes, but a new study is showing that environment might be a bigger influence.
Posted 8/20/2010  10:21:46 AM By:   : 39 comments   24,267 views
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Turn a Movie into an Active Adventure

Think watching a movie is nothing more than a passive activity. It can become an active adventure when you get your imagination involved.
Posted 7/12/2010  6:00:00 AM By:   : 113 comments   25,700 views
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Will Improving School Lunches Affect Childhood Obesity?

Every day we hear statistics about the number of obese children in America. Is revamping school lunches a way to start solving the problem? Some say "yes", some say "no way".
Posted 7/9/2010  6:16:57 AM By:   : 162 comments   31,512 views
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Who's More Stressful: Your Spouse or Your Boss?

You'd assume a good way to unwind after a tough day might be to go home and spend some time with loved ones. According to a new poll, you might want to rethink that decision.
Posted 7/6/2010  6:00:00 AM By:   : 123 comments   23,417 views
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Habits of Healthy Eaters: Organize the Fridge and Freezer

Having trouble getting a healthy dinner on the table each night? In two NEW videos, Chef Meg helps you make healthy cooking easier.
Posted 6/8/2010  10:00:00 AM By:   : 103 comments   40,168 views
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You Asked: What Are The Risks of BPA?

BPA is in thousands of products that come into daily human contact. Is there really a risk from exposure?
Posted 5/31/2010  1:54:51 PM By:   : 49 comments   18,837 views
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Does Your Past Influence Your Health Behaviors?

Are you having trouble meeting your healthy living goals? Could your childhood experiences be related?
Posted 5/27/2010  1:31:40 PM By:   : 45 comments   18,091 views
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Give Kids More Veggies and They'll Eat More. Is it Really that Easy?

The message is clear: All kids need veggies, and most don't get enough. Could it really be as simple as just giving them more to get them to eat more? A new study says "maybe."
Posted 5/18/2010  11:19:44 AM By:   : 115 comments   28,695 views
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Extra Helpings: Out of Sight, Out of Mouth

My family always serves themselves from the stove instead of leaving dishes on the table. That practice could be saving us from eating more than we really want or need.
Posted 5/14/2010  8:28:24 AM By:   : 102 comments   18,554 views
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Obese Children are More Likely to be Bullied

There are lots of reasons kids get bullied. A new study shows that obese children are more likely to be bullied, regardless of things like class or race.
Posted 5/11/2010  6:51:06 AM By:   : 111 comments   21,395 views
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Banish Bland Food and Learn to Store Your Herbs and Spices

Chef Meg shares her secrets for adding flavor without fat, sugar, or salt in this NEW video!
Posted 5/4/2010  10:25:13 AM By:   : 83 comments   18,194 views
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