As you scroll through your social media platforms, how often to you come across a very skinny or very fit woman? What about someone who has just Even the most confident among us might struggle with body positivity after seeing perfectly posed and possibly edited shots. And when you're working toward weight-loss or health goals, the struggle becomes even more of a challenge. For some, a social media detox might be in order; for others, they can't imagine missing out on the life updates and memes posted by friends. For the latter, it's time to learn how to embrace social media without falling victim to self-doubt or feelings of hopelessness. 1, Diversify Your Social Media Feeds"If you're only following one type of body on social media, you may be perpetuating an unrealistic thin ideal for yourself, resulting in feelings of shame, guilt and low self-esteem, none of which are motivating for making positive behavior change," says Kara Lydon, R.D., L.D.N., R.Y.T., owner of Kara Lydon Nutrition and The Foodie Dietitian Blog. Instead, Lydon recommends that you "start filling your feeds with a wide variety of bodies of all shapes, sizes, colors, genders and ability levels. This may help transform your motivation 2. Create A Mantra"Creating a mantra can help increase self-esteem and feelings of self-worth," explains Jessica Levings, R.D., a freelance writer and owner of Balanced Pantry. 3. Be Aware of Red FlagsRebecca Clyde M.S., R.D.N., C.D. Instead, seek out accounts with body positive messaging and a healthy perspective on finding balance. "You deserve to follow social media accounts that make you feel good about yourself. In turn, I'd recommend following people with a diverse range of bodies and body positive champions who share inspiring and realistic content." 4. Follow People Posting Real, Unfiltered Body Photos"Cellulite, stretch marks, body hair, pimples and wrinkles are all normal! Everyone has them, but we usually don't see them in social Rumsey has also started an Instagram movement using the hashtag #WomenEatingFood that portrays women while they are actually chowing down on their favorite foods. The movement started when Rumsey posted a photo of herself on Instagram eating a sandwich. It wasn't posed or curated, just a woman on the beach unabashedly enjoying a delicious 5. Take A BreakKnow that it's okay to take some time away from social media. If you find that you are getting anxious or having a negative experience with all the images showing up in your feed, delete your social media apps (at least temporarily) from your feed. You'll actually find yourself having a lot more free time during the day, which you can use to spoil yourself by taking a long bath or enjoying a walk with a friend. Sometimes we need to be reminded to step away from the electronics and enjoy the now. You don't have to have a negative social media experience. Create your own positive experience |